(PDF 英文版)
by Patrick Cauldwell, Scott Hanselman
ISBN: 978-0-470-25924-5
Paperback 233 pages
May 2008 (Wrox)
Practical steps you can take to combine different developmental philosophies, processes, and construction techniques into a unified approach to softwareMethods for deciding which parts of a project you need to write yourself versus what you can buy or reuseTools and processes you can employ to improve source code quality and maintainabilityHow to create, run, organize, and measure tests, and then make them more useful to developers and testersWays that programming by contract can make your code easier for developers to understand and useRecommended techniques for handling errors in your code that will make your application easier to debug and support
Who this book is for?
This book is for experienced software developers who are looking to improve their development skill set and bring a higher level of discipline to a project.