Harnessing Hibernate (CHM 英文版)
(CHM 英文版)
by James Elliott; Timothy M. O'Brien; Ryan Fowler
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: April 28, 2008
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-596-51772-4
Pages: 380
Harnessing Hibernate is an ideal introduction to the popular framework that lets Java developers work with information from a relational database easily and efficiently. Databases are a very different world than Java objects, and they often involve people with different skills and specializations. With Hibernate, bridging these two worlds is significantly easier, and with this book, you can get up to speed with Hibernate quickly.
By reading and following along with the examples, you can get your own Hibernate environment set up quickly and start using it for real-world tasks right away. Harnessing Hibernate teaches you how to:
Perform Object/Relational mapping
Work with persistent data from Java code
Work with groups and relationships between objects
Extend Hibernate's rich type support for your own needs
Simplify query creation using criteria and examples
Use the Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and understand how it differs from SQL
Use Hibernate in conjunction with Spring
Use Hibernate in conjunction with other packages, such as the Stripes web framework and the Eclipse IDE