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Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals

书名:Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals



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作者:George Reis
副书名:A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators
出版日期:July 30, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470114541 ISBN-13: 978-0470114544

Product Description
Digital imaging technology has been used in forensics since at least1992, yet until now there?has been?no practical instruction availableto address the unique issues of image processing in an everydayforensic environment. Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionalsserves the everyday, real-world needs of law enforcement and legalpersonnel dealing with digital images (including both photos and videostills). This book is an excellent tool for:
Law enforcement personnel, from crime scene andarson investigators, detectives, and patrol officers to forensicphotographers, fingerprint examiners, video analysts, tool mark andfootwear examiners, and criminalists.
Security pros in such fields as private investigation, insurance, fraud detection, and loss prevention.
Scientific and technical users of Photoshop withworkflows similar to law enforcement, such as medical photographers,research imaging experts, engineering and architecture staff, andindustrial photographers.
Staff responsible for maintaining a photo archive or printing images for court.
Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals is the only bookto provide forensics professionals with specific answers to theirimaging questions. This is the perfect resource for those who want tomove from simple theory to the essential skills needed to be moreeffective. This resource is dividied into three parts:
Part I: The Essentials is about setting up yourworkflow, archiving your images, and familiarizing yourself with AdobePhotoshop and Adobe Bridge, including the setting up of preferences.Also covered are the best practices in writing reports and providingcourtroom testimony.
Part II: The Digital Darkroom teaches how to usePhotoshop to accomplish what traditionally was done in the darkroom,from correcting color casts to making prints and exhibits for courtroomuse.
Part III: Image Analysis & Enhancement coverstechniques for clarifying images so that details can be better viewedand used for analysis or comparison, from contrast enhancement andpattern removal to even forensic video analysis.
The companion CD-ROM provides sample images—including variousaccident and crime scenes—you can use to practice the techniques fromthe book while?following along with the tutorials. It also includesseveral scripts, plug-ins, and actions so you can work more effectively.
In addition, instructor’s materials are available so you can use book in workshops and training seminars.
Order this one-of-a-kind resource today!
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From the Back Cover
The First Practical Guide to the Use of Photoshop in Forensics Investigations
This timely book is the first to take the forensic use of digital imagingout of the classroom and into the real world for law enforcement,legal, and other forensics professionals. How do you show the exactposition or size of a fluorescing blood stain in a crime scene? How doyou analyze and enhance stills from security video? How do you explainyour Photoshop efforts in court?
From metadata and sharpening methods to using the History log andaccurately evaluating scale within a scene, this serious guide from oneof the most highly sought trainers in imaging forensics outlines theprocesses you need for using Adobe® Photoshop® in a forensicsenvironment. Whether you’re working with the newest features ofPhotoshop CS3 or using an earlier version of the software, these clear,step-by-step tutorials will help you:
Follow and apply legal rules of digital evidence and master best practicesMaintain an audit trail for non-standard enhancements to an imageEvaluate metadata to determine if an image is what it purports to beMeasure objects and scale in a photographTake advantage of non-destructive image enhancement techniquesExtract fingerprints from backgrounds using color isolation techniquesTake advantage of Adobe Camera Raw file formats in a forensic workflowCorrect bad exposures and color shifts in crime scene, evidence, and traffic collision photosPerform frame averaging natively in Photoshop for image noise reductionGet great prints for use in court by following good color-management policies


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