作者:Leslie Alsheimer, Bryan O'Neil Hughes
出版日期:April 6, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0240521595 ISBN-13: 978-0240521596
Black and white photography has come a long way in the digitalworld. This comprehensive reference will help you maximize yourworkflow with coverage of all of the relevant new features of PhotoshopCS4 and Lightroom 2, including every stage of the black and whiteprocess from capture to printing. Along the way, you’ll find in-depthexplanations of key topics such as color management, optimizing yourworkspace, softproofing and calibration (both onscreen and for output),evaluating histograms, non-destructive editing, and much more.
New features in this edition include:
*In-depth coverage of workflow using the Bridge and Adobe Camera RAW components of CS4
*New recipes and tips for advanced black and white conversion
*Coverage of Lightroom and Photoshop integration features
*An overview of scanners and scanning your black and white film
*Advice on exposure essentials and how to apply the Zone System to your digital shooting
*A brand new chapter on black and white and creative image editing in Lightroom
Breathtaking color and black and white photographs, including LeslieAlsheimer’s image which won the coveted Vincent Versace award atPhotoshop World in 2008, will inspire you to expand your own creativityto limitless possibilities. This is the essential resource for anyphotographer shooting black and white in the digital age.
*The only book available that takes a head-on approach to creatingstunning black and white shots with a workflow using theindustry-standard software packages, Photoshop and Lightroom
*Packed with stunning, inspirational images that place the highly practical informative content in a visual context
*Written by Photoshop product manager and Lightroom evangelist Bryan O’Neil Hughes, and NAPP guru award winner Leslie Alsheimer