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Perl Programming for Biologists

Perl Programming for Biologists

书名:Perl Programming for Biologists



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作者:D. Curtis Jamison
出版日期:July 14, 2003
出版社:Wiley Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0471430595 ISBN-13: 978-0471430599

“…not be surprised to see finding a space on the bookshelves in many biological laboratories in the near future.” — Briefings in Bioinformatics, Vol 5(1), March 2004
“This well written book illustrates PERL with examples…Those withless or no programming skills should read this book before attemptingthe practice of bioinformatics ideas.” (Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, January 2005)
“…the book is useful to biologists who already use languages like C+ or Visual Basic and want to learn Perl.” (Biomolecular Engineering, November 2004)
“…written in a pleasant chatty style with obvious enthusiasm for the topic” (Robotica, Vol. 22, 2004)
“…unique and I highly recommend it as a first book on programmingfor biology-oriented professionals interested in using perl…excellentfor self-study…can also be a great resource as classroom material…” (Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2004)
“…not be surprised to see finding a space on the bookshelves in many biological laboratories in the near future.” (Briefings in Bioinformatics, Vol 5(1), March 2004)
“This well written book illustrates PERL with examples…Those withless or no programming skills should read this book before attemptingthe practice of bioinformatics ideas.” (Journal of StatisticalComputation & Simulation, January 2005) “…the book is useful tobiologists who already use languages like C+ or Visual Basic and wantto learn Perl.” (Biomolecular Engineering, November 2004) “…written ina pleasant chatty style with obvious enthusiasm for the topic”(Robotica, Vol. 22, 2004) “…unique and I highly recommend it as a firstbook on programming for biology-oriented professionals interested inusing perl…excellent for self-study…can also be a great resource asclassroom material…” (Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2004) “…notbe surprised to see finding a space on the bookshelves in manybiological laboratories in the near future.” (Briefings inBioinformatics, Vol 5(1), March 2004)
Product Description
Working on the assumption that the reader has no formal training in programming, Perl Programming for Biologistsdemonstrates how Perl is used to solve biological problems. Eachchapter opens with a set of learning objectives, provides numerousreview questions and self-study exercises, and concludes with abulleted summary of key points. The author incorporates numerousreal-life examples throughout the text. Upon completing the book,readers are able to quickly perform such tasks as correcting recurringerrors in spreadsheets, scanning a Fasta sequence for every occurrenceof an EcoRI site, adapting other writers’ scripts to one’s ownpurposes, and most important, writing reusable and maintainable scriptsthat spare the rote repetition of code.


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