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Perl Hacks: Tips & Tools for Programming, Debugging, and Surviving

Perl Hacks: Tips & Tools for Programming, Debugging, and Surviving

书名:Perl Hacks: Tips & Tools for Programming, Debugging, and Surviving



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作者:chromatic, Damian Conway, Curtis "Ovid" Poe
出版日期:May 8, 2006
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0596526741 ISBN-13: 978-0596526740

With more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven tobe the best computing language for the latest trends in computing andbusiness. While other languages have stagnated, Perl remains fresh,thanks to its community-based development model, which encourages thesharing of information among users. This tradition of knowledge-sharingallows developers to find answers to almost any Perl question they candream up.
And you can find many of those answers right here in “Perl Hacks,”Like all books in O’Reilly’s Hacks Series, “Perl Hacks” appeals to avariety of programmers, whether you’re an experienced developer or adabbler who simply enjoys exploring technology. Each hack is a shortlesson–some are practical exercises that teach you essential skills,while others merely illustrate some of the fun things that Perl can do.Most hacks have two parts: a direct answer to the immediate problem youneed to solve right now and a deeper, subtler technique that you canadapt to other situations. Learn how to add CPAN shortcuts to theFirefox web browser, read files backwards, write graphical games inPerl, and much more.
For your convenience, “Perl Hacks” is divided by topic–not accordingto any sense of relative difficulty–so you can skip around and stop atany hack you like. Chapters include: Productivity Hacks UserInteraction Data Munging Working with Modules Object Hacks Debugging
Whether you’re a newcomer or an expert, you’ll find great value in“Perl Hacks,” the only Perl guide that offers something useful and funfor everyone.
About the Author
chromatic is the technical editor of the O’Reilly Network, where heedits Perl.com, ONLamp.com, and the Linux and Security dev centers. Heis also the author of O’Reilly’s “Extreme Programming Pocket Guide”,“Running Weblogs with Slash”, and “Perl Testing: A Developer’sNotebook”, as well as the editor of “BSD Hacks” and “Gaming Hacks”. Heis the original author of Test::Builder, the foundation for most moderntesting modules in Perl 5, and has contributed many of the tests forcore Perl. He has given tutorials and presentations at several Perlconferences, including OSCON.
Damian Conway holds a PhD in Computer Science and is an honoraryAssociate Professor with the School of Computer Science and SoftwareEngineering at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Currently heruns an international IT training company–Thoughtstream–which providesprogrammer development from beginner to masterclass level throughoutEurope, North America, and Australasia. Damian was the winner of the1998, 1999, and 2000 Larry Wall Awards for Practical Utility. The besttechnical paper at the annual Perl Conference was subsequently named inhis honour. He is a member of the technical committee for The PerlConference, a keynote speaker at many Open Source conferences, a formercolumnist for The Perl Journal, and author of the book Object OrientedPerl. In 2001 Damian received the first “Perl Foundation DevelopmentGrant” and spent 20 months working on projects for the betterment ofPerl. A popular speaker and trainer, he is also the author of numerouswell-known Perl modules, including Parse::RecDescent (a sophisticatedparsing tool), Class::Contract (design-by-contract programming inPerl), Lingua::EN::Inflect (rule-based English transformations for textgeneration), Class::Multimethods (multiple dispatch polymorphism),Text::Autoformat (intelligent automatic reformatting of plaintext),Switch (Perl’s missing case statement), NEXT (resumptive methoddispatch), Filter::Simple (Perl-based source code manipulation),Quantum::Superpositions (auto-parallelization of serial code using aquantum mechanical metaphor), and Lingua::Romana::Perligata(programming in Latin). Most of his time is now spent working withLarry Wall on the design of the new Perl 6 programming language.
Curtis “Ovid” Poe is a Senior Programmer at Kineticode, Inc. andlives in Portland, OR. Earlier this century, displaying his usualstellar sense of timing, Ovid switched from mainframes to Webprogramming in Perl and promptly watched the dot-com industry implode.Despite this minor setback and working for several currentlynon-existent companies, Ovid stuck with Perl and actually discovered heliked it. A frequent speaker at user groups and author of numerous CPANmodules and a popular Perl CGI course, Ovid is a Perl FoundationSteering Committee member and also heads the TPF grant committee.


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