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Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery

Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery

书名:Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery



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作者:Matt Butcher
出版日期:March 9, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1847196160 ISBN-13: 978-1847196163

Putting jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript effects into your Drupal 6 modules and themes
Learn about JavaScript support in Drupal 6Packed with example code ready for you to useHarness the popular jQuery library to enhance your Drupal sitesMake the most of Drupal’s built-in JavaScript librariesIn Detail
JavaScript: It’s not just for calculators and image rollovers.
Drupal 6 is loaded with new features, and not all of them arenecessarily implemented in PHP. This unique book, for web designers anddevelopers, will take you through what can be done with JavaScript (andespecially with jQuery) in Drupal 6.
With the combination of the powerhouse jQuery library with its ownrobust set of JavaScript tools, Drupal 6 comes with a pre-packagedkiller JavaScript environment. Cross-platform by nature, it providesall of the tools necessary to create powerful AJAX-enabled scripts,gorgeous visual effects, and view-enhancing behaviors. In addition,Drupal developers have ported some of its most powerful PHP tools –like a theming engine and support for localization and languagetranslation – to JavaScript, making it possible to write simple scriptswhere once only complex PHP code could be used.
This book gives you the keys to the toolbox, showing you how to useDrupal’s JavaScript libraries to make your modules and themes moredynamic, interactive and responsive, and add effects to make yourDrupal site explode into life!
If you’ve dipped your toe in the water of theme or moduledevelopment with Drupal 6, this is the book you want to make the lookand behavior of your work something special. With it’s project-basedapproach, this book is carefully constructed to guide you from howJavaScript fits into the overall Drupal architecture through to makingyou a master of the jQuery library in the world of Drupal themes andmodules.
What you will learn from this book?
An introduction to JavaScript in Drupal 6The basics of the jQuery libraryCreating JavaScript-enabled themesManipulating a page on the fly with jQueryAuthoring simple PHPTemplate files designed to maximize scripting potentialUsing jQuery to add effects in Drupal 6Working with Drupal 6 behaviorsAdding AJAX to modulesUsing Drupal’s localization and language translation engine in your JavaScriptTheming on the client-side with Drupal’s JavaScript theme engineBuilding better formsWorking with Drupal 6’s JavaScript libraryWriting portable JavaScript tools as Drupal modulesApproach
This book focuses on teaching by example. Chapters are packed withexample code, providing hands-on examples you can play with and thenrelease to your own Drupal sites. By introducing short projectsinterspersed with discussion, the pace is rapid yet practical.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for web designers and developers who want to addJavaScript elements to Drupal themes or modules to create more flexibleand responsive user interfaces.
You are expected to know about the basic operation of Drupal, and befamiliar with the concept of theming and modules in Drupal. Noexperience of creating themes or modules is required.
You will need to know the basics of client-side web development;this means HTML, CSS, but also have a rudimentary grasp of the syntaxof JavaScript. Familiarity with PHP programming will be an advantage,since we will be writing PHPTemplate files and (at the end) creatingDrupal modules. However, the PHP is covered thoroughly enough that eventhe PHP neophyte will not find the text too demanding. The book alsocovers the jQuery JavaScript library and its use in Drupal, but noknowledge of jQuery is expected – you will learn everything you need inthis book.


  • 《Learning jquery》
  • 一本很不错的javascript电子书
  • Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
  • Pro Drupal Development, 2nd Second Edition (PDF英文版)
  • Pro Drupal Development, 2nd Second Edition (PDF英文版)

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