作者:Christian Wenz
出版日期:September 7, 2006
出版社:Sams Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0672328801 ISBN-13: 978-0672328800
Developers are hungry for a concise, easy-to-usereference that puts essential code “phrases” at their fingertips.JavaScript, and the related AJAX, is hot and there is little to noinformation on how to use JavaScript to develop AJAX-basedapplications. While there are many JavaScript books on the market, mostof them are dated and few cover the most recent developments, such asAJAX.
JavaScript Phrasebook is the guide to JavaScript and AJAXthat you can and will take with you everywhere. Skipping the usualtutorial on JavaScript and introducing AJAX as one of the firstpublished works on the topic, the JavaScript Phrasebook goesstraight to practical JavaScript and AJAX tools, providing immediatelyapplicable solutions for frequent tasks and code so flexible that it iseasily adapted to the your individual needs.