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MooTools 1.2 Beginner’s Guide

MooTools 1.2 Beginner’s Guide

书名:MooTools 1.2 Beginner’s Guide



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作者:Jacob Gube
出版日期:December 2009
页数:280 pages

MooToolsis a simple-to-use JavaScript library, ideal for people with basicJavaScript skills who want to elevate their web applications to asuperior level. If you’re a newcomer to MooTools looking to builddynamic, rich, and user-interactive web site applications thisbeginner’s guide with its easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions isall you need to rapidly get to grips with MooTools.
Thisis the first book specifically designed for absolute newcomers toMooTools. Its simple-to-follow beginner’s guide style will give you allthe building blocks required to do the basics and more in MooTools. Youcan start working with MooTools immediately because it assumes noknowledge or prior experience of MooTools.
Firstyou will get to grips with the fundamentals of MooTools includingdownloading, installation, and basic syntax. Once you’ve grasped thebasics you will learn how to make the most of MooTools’ powerfulframework. You will learn to bring web pages to life using animationand create exciting web pages using AJAX. You will also learn how tocustomize MooTools to suit your own needs by creating your ownplug-ins. This book will have you well on way to creating webapplications and web pages worthy of the Web 2.0 world.

What you will learn from this book
* Bringing web pages to life using animation
* Boosting the responsiveness of your web applications using AJAX with MooTools
* Building a web form dynamically responsive to a multitude of browser events
* The basics core functions of MooTools and how they work
* Creating your own versatile plug-ins that can be customized to fit your own personal requirements
* How to rapidly build a quick and easy web application using the power of MooTools
Thisis a Packt Beginner’s Guide, which means it is packed with clearstep-by-step instructions for performing the most useful tasks inMooTools. You will learn by doing and you will start learningimmediately. As each chapter in the book progresses, the topics willget increasingly more complex. It starts by explaining the fundamentalsof MooTools before undertaking tasks and challenges that encourageexperimentation.
Who this book is written for
Thisbook is perfect for MooTools newcomers. You do not require anyfamiliarity with MooTools whatsoever, only a willingness to learn.Basic knowledge of JavaScript syntax and concepts is the onlyrequirement. This book will allow you to grasp the basics of MooToolsso that you will be well on the way to creating exciting, customizableweb pages and applications.


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