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The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd

The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd

书名:The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd



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作者:Hal Fulton
出版日期:November 4, 2006
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0672328844 ISBN-13: 978-0672328848

Ruby is an agile object-oriented language,borrowing some of the best features from LISP, Smalltalk, Perl, CLU,and other languages. Its popularity has grown tremendously in the fiveyears since the first edition of this book.

The Ruby Way takes a “how-to” approach toRuby programming with the bulk of the material consisting of more than400 examples arranged by topic. Each example answers the question “Howdo I do this in Ruby?” Working along with the author, you are presentedwith the task description and a discussion of the technicalconstraints. This is followed by a step-by-step presentation of onegood solution. Along the way, the author provides detailed commentaryand explanations to aid your understanding.

Coverage includes

• An overview of Ruby, explaining terminology and basic principles
• Operations on low-level data types (numbers, strings, regular expressions, dates)
• The new regular expression engine (Oniguruma)
• Internationalization (I18N) and message catalogs in Ruby
• Operations on hashes, arrays, and other data structures such as stacks, trees, and graphs
• Working with general I/O, files, and persistent objects
• Database coverage including MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, DBI, and more
• Ruby-specific techniques in OOP and dynamic programming
• Graphical interfaces in Ruby (Tk, GTK+, Fox, and Qt)
• Working with Ruby threads for lightweight multitasking
• Everyday scripting and system administration in Ruby
• Working with image files, PDFs, YAML, XML, RSS, and Atom
• Testing, debugging, profiling, and packaging Ruby code
• Low-level network programming and client-server interaction
• Web development tools including Rails, Nitro, Wee, IOWA, and more
• Working with distributed Ruby, Rinda, and Ring
• Ruby development tools such as IDEs, documentation tools, and more

The source code for the book can be downloaded from www.rubyhacker.com

Hal Fulton has worked for over 15 yearswith variousforms of Unix, including AIX, Solaris, and Linux. He wasfirst exposed to Ruby in 1999, and in 2001 he began work on the firstedition of this book–the second Ruby book published in the Englishlanguage. He has attendednumerous Ruby conferences and has givenpresentations at several of those, including the first European RubyConference.

He has two degrees in computer science fromthe University of Mississippi and taught computer science for fouryears before moving to Austin, Texas to work as a contractor forvariouscompanies, including IBM Austin. Hal currently works atBroadwing Communications in Austin, Texas, maintaining a large datawarehouse and related telecom applications, working daily with C++,Oracle, and, of course, Ruby.

About the Author
Hal Fulton has two degrees incomputer science from the University of Mississippi. He taught computerscience for four years at the community college level before moving toAustin, Texas, for a series of contracts (mainly at IBM Austin). He hasworked for more than 15 years with various forms of UNIX, includingAIX, Solaris, and Linux. He was first exposed to Ruby in 1999, and in2001 he began work on the first edition of this book, which was thesecond Ruby book in the English language. He has attended six Rubyconferences and has given presentations at four of those, including thefirst European Ruby Conference in Karlsruhe, Germany. He currentlyworks at Broadwing Communications in Austin, Texas, working on a largedata warehouse and related telecom applications. He works daily withC++, Oracle, and of course, Ruby.

Hal is still active daily on the Rubymailing list and IRC channel, and has several Ruby projects inprogress. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society. Inhis personal life, he enjoys music, reading, writing, art, andphotography. He is a member of the Mars Society and is a spaceenthusiast who would love to go into space before he dies. He lives inAustin, Texas.


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