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Mainframe Basics for Security Professionals: Getting Started with RACF

Mainframe Basics for Security Professionals: Getting Started with RACF

书名:Mainframe Basics for Security Professionals: Getting Started with RACF



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作者:Ori Pomerantz, Barbara Vander Weele, Mark Nelson, Tim Hahn
出版日期:January 7, 2008
出版社:IBM Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0131738569 ISBN-13: 978-0131738560

Product DescriptionLeverage Your Security Expertise in IBM® System z™ Mainframe Environments

For over 40 years, the IBM mainframe has beenthe backbone of the world’s largest enterprises. If you’re coming tothe IBM System z mainframe platform from UNIX®, Linux®, or Windows®,you need practical guidance on leveraging its unique securitycapabilities. Now, IBM experts have written the first authoritativebook on mainframe security specifically designed to build on yourexperience in other environments.

Even if you’ve never logged onto a mainframe before, this book will teach you how to run today’s z/OS® operating system command line and ISPF toolset and use them toefficiently perform every significant security administration task.Don’t have a mainframe available for practice? The book containsstep-by-step videos walking you through dozens of key techniques.Simply log in and register your book at www.ibmpressbooks.com/registerto gain access to these videos.

The authors illuminate the mainframe’ssecurity model and call special attention to z/OS security techniquesthat differ from UNIX, Linux, and Windows. They thoroughly introduceIBM’s powerful Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) securitysubsystem and demonstrate how mainframe security integrates into yourenterprise-wide IT security infrastructure. If you’re an experiencedsystem administrator or security professional, there’s no faster way toextend your expertise into “big iron” environments.

Coverage includes
Mainframe basics: logging on, allocating andediting data sets, running JCL jobs, using UNIX System Services, andaccessing documentation
Creating, modifying, and deleting users and groups
Protecting data sets, UNIX file system files, databases, transactions, and other resources
Manipulating profiles and managing permissions
Configuring the mainframe to log security events, filter them appropriately, and create usable reports
Using auditing tools to capture static configuration data and dynamic events, identify weaknesses, and remedy them
Creating limited-authority administrators: how, when, and why
About the Author
Ori Pomerantz has beensecuring computer networks–and teaching other people to do so–since1995. Since joining IBM in 2003, he has written classes on severalTivoli®security products, including IBM Tivoli zSecure.

Barbara Vander Weele, asoftware engineer at IBM, has developed and presented educationmaterial on provisioning, security, storage, and business technologiesfor IBM Worldwide Education.

Mark Nelson, SeniorSoftware Engineer at IBM, is a twenty-year veteran of the RACF designteam and a frequent speaker on RACF and z/OS security-related topics.

Tim Hahn, IBMDistinguished Engineer, has been with IBM for seventeen years. He isChief Architect for Secure Systems and Networks within the IBM SoftwareGroup Tivoli organization.


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