作者:Trent Jaeger
出版日期:October 16, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1598292129 ISBN-13: 978-1598292121
Operating systems provide the fundamental mechanisms for securingcomputer processing. Since the 1960s, operating systems designers haveexplored how to build “secure” operating systems – operating systemswhose mechanisms protect the system against a motivated adversary.Recently, the importance of ensuring such security has become amainstream issue for all operating systems. In this book, we examinepast research that outlines the requirements for a secure operatingsystem and research that implements example systems that aim for suchrequirements. For system designs that aimed to satisfy theserequirements, we see that the complexity of software systems oftenresults in implementation challenges that we are still exploring tothis day. However, if a system design does not aim for achieving thesecure operating system requirements, then its security features failto protect the system in a myriad of ways. We also study systems thathave been retrofit with secure operating system features after aninitial deployment. In all cases, the conflict between function on onehand and security on the other leads to difficult choices and thepotential for unwise compromises. From this book, we hope that systemsdesigners and implementors will learn the requirements for operatingsystems that effectively enforce security and will better understandhow to manage the balance between function and security.