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C++ By Dissection

C++ By Dissection

书名:C++ By Dissection



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作者:Ira Pohl
出版日期:October 28, 2001
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0201787334 ISBN-13: 978-0201787337

Product Description
C++ by Dissection presents a thorough introduction to theprogramming process by carefully developing working programs toilluminate key features of the C++ programming language. This bookpresents the concepts of the programming process using the “dissection”method, the hallmark feature that has made Ira Pohl’s C and Java booksof the “By Dissection” series so popular. Dissection is a uniquepedagogical tool first developed by the author to point out keyfeatures of program code. It is similar to a structured walk-through ofthe code, with the intention of explaining newly encounteredprogramming elements and idioms as found in working code. The bookincludes a CD-ROM containing a compiler and an electronic version ofthe book that allows readers to search, take notes, and highlight righton their computer. Each chapter presents a number of carefullyexplained programs, which lead the reader in a holistic manner toever-improving programming skills. Right from the start, the reader isintroduced to complete programs, and at an early point in the book, thereader is introduced to writing functions as a major feature ofstructured programming. It contains four to seven small codedissections per chapter, and then each chapter culminates with alarger, extended code dissection. “Software Engineering” sections ineach chapter reinforce sound software engineering skills. The bookassumes no programming background and can be used by first-timecomputer users or by experienced programmers who are transitioning toC++.
From the Back Cover
C++ by Dissection presents a thorough introduction to the programmingprocess by carefully developing working programs to illuminate keyfeatures of the C++ programming language. This book presents theconcepts of the programming process using the “dissection” method, thehallmark feature that has made Ira Pohl’s C and Java books of the “ByDissection” series so popular. Dissection is a unique pedagogical toolfirst developed by the author to point out key features of programcode. It is similar to a structured walk-through of the code, with theintention of explaining newly encountered programming elements andidioms as found in working code. The book includes a CD-ROM containinga compiler and an electronic version of the book that allows readers tosearch, take notes, and highlight right on their computer. Each chapterpresents a number of carefully explained programs, which lead thereader in a holistic manner to ever-improving programming skills. Rightfrom the start, the reader is introduced to complete programs, and atan early point in the book, the reader is introduced to writingfunctions as a major feature of structured programming. It containsfour to seven small code dissections per chapter, and then each chapterculminates with a larger, extended code dissection. “SoftwareEngineering” sections in each chapter reinforce sound softwareengineering skills. The book assumes no programming background and canbe used by first-time computer users or by experienced programmers whoare transitioning to C++.


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