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Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (Formerly Alternate Edition) (5th Edition)

Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (Formerly Alternate Edition) (5th Edition)

书名:Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (Formerly Alternate Edition) (5th Edition)



文件大小:7.87 MB

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作者:Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters, Godfrey Muganda
出版日期:October 30, 2005
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0321383486 ISBN-13: 978-0321383488

Product Description
Starting Out With C++: Early Objects is intended for either a onesemester traditional introductory programming course or a two-semesterC++ programming sequence, with introductory material placed in thefirst half of the text and more advanced topics, such as recursion anddata structures, placed in the second half. Objects are introducedearly, right after control structures and before arrays and pointers.The STL string class is used throughout. As with all Gaddis books,there is a strong emphasis on problem solving and program design, acareful step-by-step introduction of each new topic, clear and easy toread code listings, concise and practical real world examples, and anabundance of exercises in each chapter.
From the Back Cover
Shelving Tag: Introductory Programming/C++

Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (formerly Alternate Version), 5/e
Tony Gaddis, Haywood Community College
Judy Walters, North Central College
Godfrey Muganda, North Central College
ISBN: 0-321-38348-6

The Starting Out with C++ textbookseries has students raving. It presents introductory programmingconcepts in a student-friendly and accessible step-by-step way,ensuring that beginning programmers understand each programming topic.

“My school’s first programming class uses Starting Out with C++. I love your C++ book–it makes everything so easy to understand!”
–Christopher Savage, student at Augusta State University

“I’m using your book in anintroductory course in C++. Your book is GREAT!! It abstracts thecomplexity of C++ down to the core concepts that we can build on.Thanks!”
–Jim Burke, student at University of Texas at Dallas

In addition to Gaddis’ emphasis onpractical examples, abundant practice exercises, and focus on problemsolving and program design, Starting Out with C++: Early Objects, 5e (formerly called “Alternate Version”):
• Follows the ANSI standard and uses the most currently accepted programming practices
• Covers both procedural and object-oriented programming
• Introduces classes in Chapter 7, right after control structures and functions
• Has new appendices on UML and on .NET and Managed C++
• Illustrates concepts and techniques with over 350 fully runnable example programs
• Includes dozens of MyCodeMate programming challenges


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