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The C# Programming Language, Third Edition

The C# Programming Language, Third Edition

书名:The C# Programming Language, Third Edition



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作者:Anders Hejlsberg, Mads Torgersen, Scott Wiltamuth, Peter Golde
出版日期:October 08, 2008
出版社:Addison Wesley

The C# project started almost ten years ago, in December 1998, withthe goal of creating a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safeprogramming language for the new and yet-to-be-named .NET platform.Since then, C# has come a long way. The language is now in use by morethan one million programmers, and it has been released in threeversions, each of which added several major new features.
This book,too, is in its third edition. A complete technical specification of theC# programming language, the third edition differs in several ways fromthe first two. Most notably, of course, it has been updated to coverall the new features of C# 3.0, including object and collectioninitializers, anonymous types, lambda expressions, query expressions,and partial methods. Most of these features are motivated by supportfor a more functional and declarative style of programming and, inparticular, for Language Integrated Query (LINQ), which offers aunified approach to data querying across different kinds of datasources. LINQ, in turn, builds heavily on some of the features thatwere introduced in C# 2.0, including generics, iterators, and partialtypes.
Another change in the third edition is that the specificationhas been thoroughly reorganized. In the second edition of this book,the features introduced in C# 2.0 were described separately from theoriginal C# 1.0 features. With a third helping of new features, thisapproach did not scale—the utility of the book would be impaired by thereader’s need to correlate information from three different parts.Instead, the material is now organized by topic, with features from allthree language versions presented together in an integrated manner.
Afinal but important departure from earlier editions is the inclusion ofannotations in the text. We are very fortunate to be able to provideinsightful guidance, background, and perspective from some of theworld’s leading experts in C# and .NET in the form of annotationsthroughout the book. We are very happy to see the annotationscomplement the core material and help the C# features spring to life.
Manypeople have been involved in the creation of the C# language. Thelanguage design team for C# 1.0 consisted of Anders Hejlsberg, ScottWiltamuth, Peter Golde, Peter Sollich, and Eric Gunnerson. For C# 2.0,the language design team consisted of Anders Hejlsberg, Peter Golde,Peter Hallam, Shon Katzenberger, Todd Proebsting, and Anson Horton.Furthermore, the design and implementation of generics in C# and the.NET Common Language Runtime are based on the “Gyro” prototype built byDon Syme and Andrew Kennedy of Microsoft Research. C# 3.0 was designedby Anders Hejlsberg, Peter Hallam, Shon Katzenberger, Dinesh Kulkarni,Erik Meijer, Mads Torgersen, and Matt Warren.
It is impossible toacknowledge the many people who have influenced the design of C#, butwe are nonetheless grateful to all of them. Nothing good gets designedin a vacuum, and the constant feedback we receive from our large andenthusiastic community of developers is invaluable.
C# has been, andcontinues to be, one of the most challenging and exciting projects onwhich we’ve worked. We hope you enjoy using C# as much as we enjoyedcreating it.
Anders Hejlsberg
Mads Torgersen
Scott Wiltamuth
Seattle, Washington
July 2008
About the Authors
Anders Hejlsberg is aprogramming legend. He is the architect of the C# language and aMicrosoft Technical Fellow. He joined Microsoft in 1996, following a13-year career at Borland, where he was the chief architect of Delphiand Turbo Pascal.
Mads Torgersen is a senior program manager atMicrosoft. As the program manager for the C# language, he runs the C#language design meetings and maintains the C# language specification.Prior to joining Microsoft in 2005, Mads was an associate professor atthe University of Aarhus, teaching and researching object-orientedprogramming languages. There, he led the group that designed andimplemented generic wildcards for the Java Programming Language.
ScottWiltamuth is partner program manager for Visual Studio. While atMicrosoft, he has worked on a wide range of developer-orientedprojects, including Visual Basic, VBScript, JScript, Visual J++, andVisual C#. Scott is one of the designers of the C# language, and holdsbachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from StanfordUniversity.
Before leaving Microsoft, Peter Golde served as the leaddeveloper of Microsoft’s C# compiler. As the primary Microsoftrepresentative on the ECMA committee that standardized C#, he led theimplementation of the compiler and worked on the language design.


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