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Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide

Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide

书名:Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide



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作者:Brian Adams, Ed Cheng, Tina Fox, Andy Kessler, Mark Manzanares, Bryan Mclaughlin, Jim Rushton, Beverly Tai, Kevin Tran
出版日期:Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide
出版社:Cisco Press

Demand is growing for Internet Protocol (IP) multicast services toextend applications across Internet service provider (ISP) networkboundaries to a wider audience. To meet this need, sophisticatedprotocols such as Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM-SM),Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol (MBGP), and Multicast SourceDiscovery Protocol (MSDP) are available in Cisco Internet OperatingSystem (Cisco IOS(r)) software that provide solutions for successfullyimplementing native interdomain multicast service.
Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guide is a complete, concise,solutions-based book that shows how to deploy IP multicast services.The book begins with a technology description that defines IP multicastand summarizes various methods of deploying multicast services. Fromthere, readers are presented two distinct interdomain multicastsolutions using MSDP and Source Specific Multicast (SSM), respectively.These two solutions feature complete design and implementationscenarios that reflect real-world applications. The appendix includes acommand summary that describes all the IOS commands discussed in thebook.
Cisco IOS software is a feature-rich network operating system thatruns on almost every platform and device that Cisco(r) offers. Ciscocustomers who use IOS documentation have requested more robust and morecomplete configuration examples to help in their day-to-dayimplementation of IOS. The Cisco Systems(r) IOS Documentationdepartment has met that customer demand by creating a new documentationtype called an integrated solutions document (ISD). ISDs provideconcise design and application information, explaining how to integratespecific feature functionality within an existing network environment.By combining solutions-based ISDs with Cisco IOS configuration andcommand reference material, Interdomain Multicast Solutions Guideprovides you with a complete interdomain multicast deployment guide.
· Learn from Cisco-tested and industry-proven solutions with configuration examples
· Explore concise design and application information that detailshow to integrate specific IOS feature functionality within an existingnetwork environment
· Incorporate the solutions in a variety of service provider and enterprise networking environments
· Refer to command reference and configuration material essential to implementing interdomain multicast
· Assess the three stages of implementing multicast: establishingintradomain multicast, establishing interdomain multicast, andconnecting customers to an ISP infrastructure
· Understand how SSM is in use in networks today and look ahead tohow Internet Group Management Protocol version 3 (IGMPv3) will beutilized in the future
The objective of this book is to assist network architects andoperators in designing and implementing Cisco IP multicast into theirproduction networks by providing verified end-to-end network design andconfiguration examples. This book targets competent, proficient, andexpert users. The solutions presented in this book are intendedprimarily for network administrators and operations teams working forservice providers that provide IP multicast services to theircustomers. The solutions are also useful for enterprise customers whowant to establish IP multicast services within their own networkenvironment.


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