作者:Sam Halabi
出版日期:October 01, 2003
出版社:Cisco Press
The definitive guide to Enterprise and Carrier Metro Ethernet applications.
Discover the latest developments in metro networking, Ethernet, and MPLS services and what they can do for your organization
Learn from the easy-to-read format that enables networking professionals of all levels to understand the concepts
Gain from the experience of industry innovator and best-sellingCisco Press author, Sam Halabi, author of Internet RoutingArchitectures Metro networks will emerge as the next area of growth forthe networking industry and will represent a major shift in how dataservices are offered to businesses and residential customers.
The metro has always been a challenging environment for deliveringdata services because it has been built to handle the stringentreliability and availability needs for voice. Carriers will have to gothrough fundamental shifts to equip the metro for next-generation dataservices demanded by enterprise customers and consumers. This is notonly a technology shift, but also a shift in the operational andbusiness model that will allow the incumbent carriers to transform themetro to offer enhanced data services.
Metro Ethernet from Cisco Press looks at the deployment of metrodata services from a holistic view. It describes the current metro,which is based on TDM technology, and discusses the drivers andchallenges carriers will face in transforming the metro to address dataservices.
Metro Ethernet discusses the adoption of metro Ethernet services andhow that has led carriers to the delivery of metro data services. Witha changing mix of transport technologies, the book then examinescurrent and emerging trends, and delves into the role of virtualprivate networks (VPN), virtual private local area networks (VLAN),virtual private LAN services (VPLS), traffic engineering, and MPLS andGeneralized MPLS (GMPLS).