作者:Vijay Anand, Koel Chakrabarty
出版日期:June 2004
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1584503416 ISBN-13: 978-1584503415
Product Description
Keep Your Network Up and Running!Cisco IP Routing Protocols:Troubleshooting Techniques is a comprehensive reference guide fornetwork professionals facing problems with implementing and configuringIP routing protocols. It begins with an explanation of troubleshootingmethodologies and tools, including Cisco and TCP/IP diagnostic commandsand basic protocol behavior. From there it covers possible andpotential real-world problems in configuring and deploying routingprotocols in small, medium, and large networks. Using a unique buildingblock approach, the entire process of solving problems associated withrouting protocols is covered — isolation of the problem, classificationof the problem, identification of the root cause of the problem, eventcorrelation, and resolution. Through a visually intensive format, thebook helps network professionals learn to troubleshoot real-life IProuting problems promptly, quickly, and efficiently.FEATURES * Teaches network professionals to identify, isolate, andsolve many problems associated with IP routing in various environments,including LAN, VLAN, and WAN
* Provides a systematic methodology for troubleshooting complex network problems
* Addresses a number of technologies, including: dynamic and staticrouting protocols, interior and exterior gateway protocols, RIPversions I and II, IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF
* Covers the essential material tested on the Cisco exam “Internet Troubleshooting Support” (CIT 642-831) for CCNP certification
About the Author
V. Anand works as an IT Project Manager with the UCA Group. Hespecializes in planning, designing, implementing, and troubleshootingenterprise-level Cisco networks. He has CCNA and CCNP certificationsalong with Cisco PIX. In addition, he is MCDBA and MCSA certified. K.Chakrabarty has an Engineering degree in Electronics andTelecommunication. She has experience in network planning,administration, operations, and network maintenance mainly using Ciscoproducts. Chakrabarty is CCNA and CCNP certified.