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Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS

Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS

书名:Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS



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作者:Gary Halleen, Greg Kellogg
出版日期:July 16, 2007
出版社:Cisco Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1587052709 ISBN-13: 978-1587052705

Product Description
Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARS

Threat mitigation system deployment

Gary Halleen
Greg Kellogg

Networks and hosts are probed hundreds orthousands of times a day in an attempt to discover vulnerabilities. Aneven greater number of automated attacks from worms and viruses stressthe same devices. The sheer volume of log messages or events generatedby these attacks and probes, combined with the complexity of an analystneeding to use multiple monitoring tools, often makes it impossible toadequately investigate what is happening.

Cisco® Security Monitoring, Analysis, andResponse System (MARS) is a next-generation Security Threat Mitigationsystem (STM). Cisco Security MARS receives raw network and securitydata and performs correlation and investigation of host and networkinformation to provide you with actionable intelligence. Thiseasy-to-use family of threat mitigation appliances enables you tocentralize, detect, mitigate, and report on priority threats byleveraging the network and security devices already deployed in anetwork, even if the devices are from multiple vendors.

Security Monitoring with Cisco Security MARShelps you plan a MARS deployment and learn the installation andadministration tasks you can expect to face. Additionally, this bookteaches you how to use the advanced features of the product, such asthe custom parser, Network Admission Control (NAC), and globalcontroller operations. Through the use of real-world deploymentexamples, this book leads you through all the steps necessary forproper design and sizing, installation and troubleshooting, forensicanalysis of security events, report creation and archiving, andintegration of the appliance with Cisco and third-party vulnerabilityassessment tools.

“In many modern enterprise networks,Security Information Management tools are crucial in helping to manage,analyze, and correlate a mountain of event data. Greg Kellogg and GaryHalleen have distilled an immense amount of extremely valuableknowledge in these pages. By relying on the wisdom of Kellogg andHalleen embedded in this book, you will vastly improve your MARSdeployment.”
—Ed Skoudis, Vice President of Security Strategy, Predictive Systems

Gary Halleen is a security consultingsystems engineer with Cisco. He has in-depth knowledge of securitysystems as well as remote-access and routing/switching technology. Garyis a CISSP and ISSAP. His diligence was responsible for the firstsuccessful computer crimes conviction in the state of Oregon. Gary is aregular speaker at security events and presents at Cisco Networkersconferences.

Greg Kellogg is the vice president ofsecurity solutions for Calence, LLC. He is responsible for managing thecompany’s overall security strategy. Greg has more than 15 years ofnetworking industry experience, including serving as a senior securitybusiness consultant for the Cisco Enterprise Channel organization.Additionally, Greg worked for Protego Networks, Inc. (where MARS wasoriginally developed). There he was responsible for developing channelpartner programs and helped solution providers increase their securityrevenue.

Learn the differences between various log aggregation and correlation systems
Examine regulatory and industry requirementsEvaluate various deployment scenariosProperly size your deploymentProtect the Cisco Security MARS appliance from attackGenerate reports, archive data, and implement disaster recovery plansInvestigate incidents when Cisco Security MARS detects an attackTroubleshoot Cisco Security MARS operationIntegrate Cisco Security MARS with Cisco Security Manager, NAC, and third-party devicesManage groups of MARS controllers with global controller operations
This security book is part of the CiscoPress® Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Presshelp networking professionals secure critical data and resources,prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-endself-defending networks.

Category: Cisco Press—Security
Covers: Security Threat Mitigation

About the Author
Gary Halleen is a securityconsulting systems engineer with Cisco. He has in-depth knowledge ofsecurity systems, remote access, and routing/switching technology. Garyis a CISSP and ISSAP and has been a technical editor for Cisco Press.Before working at Cisco, he wrote web-based software, owned an Internetservice provider, worked in Information Technology at a college, andtaught computer science courses. His diligence was responsible for thefirst successful computer crimes conviction in the state of Oregon.Gary is a regular speaker at security events, and he presents at CiscoNetworkers conferences. He lives in Salem, Oregon, with his wife andchildren.
Greg Kellogg is the vicepresident of security solutions for Calence, LLC, which is based out ofTempe, Arizona. He is responsible for managing the company’s overallsecurity strategy, as well as developing new security solutions andservice offerings, establishing strategic partnerships, managingstrategic client engagements, and supporting business developmentefforts. Greg has more than 15 years of networking industry experience,including serving as a senior security business consultant for theCisco Systems Enterprise Channel organization. While at Cisco, Greghelped organizations understand regulatory compliance, policy creation,and risk analysis to guide their security implementations. He wasrecognized for his commitment to service with the Cisco TechnologyLeader of the Year award. Additionally, Greg worked for ProtegoNetworks, Inc. (where MARS was originally developed). While there, hewas responsible for developing channel partner programs and helpingsolution providers increase their security revenue. Greg currentlyresides in Spring Branch, Texas, with his wife and four children.


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