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Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scr

Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scr

书名:Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scr



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作者:Andy Budd, Andy Clarke, Ian Lloyd, Cameron Adams,Rob Weychert, Ethan Marcotte, Dan Rubin, Jeff Croft, Mark Boulton,Simon Collison, Derek Featherstone
出版日期:March 19, 2007
出版社:Friends of Ed
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590598032 ISBN-13: 978-1590598030

Product Description
Be inspired by 10 web design lessons from 10 of the worlds best web designersGet creative with cutting-edge XHTML, CSS, and DOM scripting techniquesLearn breathtaking design skills while remaining standards-compliantHere at friends of ED, we know that as a web designer or developer,your work involves more than just working to pay the bills. We knowthat each day, you strive to push the boundaries of your medium,unleashing your creativity in new ways to make your websites moreengaging and attractive to behold, while still maintainingcross-browser support, standards compliance, and accessibility. That’swhy we got together ten of the world’s most talented web designers toshare their secrets with you. Web Standards Creativity is jam-packedwith fresh, innovative design ideas. The topics range from essentialCSS typography and grid design, effective styling for CMS-driven sites,and astonishing PNG transparency techniques, to DOM scripting magic forcreating layouts that change depending on browser resolution and userpreference, and better print layouts for web pages. We’re sure you willfind something here to inspire you! This full-color book’s examples arenot just stunning to look at, but also fully standards-compliant,up-to-date, and tested in current browsers including Internet Explorer7. Playing by the rules doesn’t have to mean drab or dull websites—WebStandards can be fun!
About the Author
Andy is an internationally renowned web designer, developer and weblogauthor based in Brighton, England. Andy specializes in buildingattractive, accessible, and standards complaint web solutions. Andyenjoys writing about web techniques for sites such as digital-web.comand his work has been featured in numerous magazines, books, andwebsites around the world.
Andy is an internationally sought-after speaker, designer andconsultant. He is creative director of Stuff and Nonsense(www.malarkey.co.uk), a design agency focusing on creative, accessibleweb. Andy is passionate about design and passionate about WebStandards, often bridging the gap between design and code.
He regularly trains designers and developers in the creativeapplications of Web Standards. He writes about aspects of design andpopular culture on his personal web site, And All That Malarkey(www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk.) Soon to be released is his first book,“Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design.”
Ian runs Accessify.com, a site dedicated to promoting webaccessibility and providing tools for web developers. His personal site‘Blog Standard Stuff‘, ironically, has nothing to do with standards forblogs (it’s a play on words), although there is an occasionalstandards-related gem to be found there.
Ian works full-time for Nationwide Building Society where he trieshis hardest to influence standards-based design (\”to varyingdegrees!\”). He is a member of the Web Standards Project, contributingto the Accessibility Task Force. Web standards and accessibility aside,he enjoys writing about his trips abroad and recently took a ‘year out’from work and all things web (but then ended up writing more in hisyear off than he ever has). He finds most of his time being taken up bya demanding old lady (relax, it\’s only his old Volkswagen camper van).
Ian recently wrote his first book for SitePoint entitled ‘Build YourFirst Web Site the Right Way with HTML and CSS‘ (in which he teachesweb standards-based design to the complete beginner).
Cameron has a degree in law and one in science; naturally he chose acareer in Web development. When pressed, he labels himself a \”WebTechnologist\” because he likes to have a hand in graphic design,JavaScript, CSS, Perl (yes, Perl), and anything else that takes hisfancy that morning. While running his own business(www.themaninblue.com) he\’s consulted and worked for governmentdepartments, nonprofit organisations, large corporations and tinystartups.
As well as helping his list of clients, Cameron has taught numerousworkshops around the country and spoken at conferences worldwide, suchas @Media and Web Essentials. He has also written a book &emdash;The JavaScript Anthology &emdash; which is one of the most completequestion and answer resources on modern JavaScript techniques.
Rob is a graphic designer, artist, writer, and thinker known for analmost neurotically meticulous attention to detail. Since the late1990s, Rob has designed print and interactive solutions for clients insuch disparate industries as entertainment, travel, healthcare,education, publishing, e-commerce, and more.
When he is not absorbed in design, Rob spends most of his timescrutinizing music and film, writing haiku, screen printing, takingphotos, and cruising the streets of his hometown Philadelphia on hisBMX. He also writes about these topics and all things design on hispersonal web site, RobWeychert.com.
Ethan has been designing and developing online for nearly a decade,and is still amazed and excited at how much there is to learn. He isthe co-founder and design lead of Vertua Studios (www.vertua.com), astandards-savvy design studio that builds elegant, usable Web sites.
Ethan has emerged as a well-respected voice on the subject ofstandards-based Web design. He has been a featured speaker at WebDesign World and the South by Southwest Interactive conference, andruns the popular (if infrequently-updated) sidesh0w.com weblog. Hisclients have included such names as New York Magazine, HarvardUniversity, Disney, and State Street Bank.
When he grows up, Ethan wants to be an unstoppable robot ninja (www.unstoppablerobotninja.com). Beep.
Music, design, typography, web standards, South Florida beaches.What could these things possibly have in common? Dan Rubin, that’swhat…er, who. From vocal coaching and performing to graphic design and(almost literally) everything in between, Dan does his best to spreadhis talent as thin and as far as he possibly can while still leavingtime for a good cup of tea and the occasional nap.
His passion for all things creative and artistic isn’t a solelyselfish endeavor either&emdash;you don’t have to hang around toolong before you’ll find him waxing educational about a cappella jazzand barbershop harmony, interface design, usability, web standards, andwhich typeface was on the bus ad that just whizzed by at 60mph.
Dan has been known to write the occasional entry on his blog,superfluousbanter.org (you might even find a podcast or two if you pokearound enough), and his professional work can be found at his agency’ssite, webgraph.com.
Jeff is a web and graphic designer focused on web standards-baseddevelopment living and working Lawrence, KS. As the senior designer atWorld Online, Jeff works on such award-winning standards-based sites asLawrence.com and ljworld.com. Jeff also runs a popular blog andpersonal site at jeffcroft.com, where he writes about many topics,including modern web and graphic design.
In addition to his work with World Online, Jeff has also worked attwo major Universities in an effort to bring web standards to theeducation sector, and completed many freelance and contract jobs forvarying clients.
When he’s not hunched over a computer, Jeff enjoys photography, music, film, television, and a good night out on the town.
Mark is a typographic designer from Cardiff, UK. He’s worked inSydney, London, and Manchester as an Art Director for design agenciesfor clients such as BBC, T-Mobile, and British Airways. For the pastthree years, Mark has been working as a Senior Designer for the BBCdesigning web sites and web applications.
He is an active member of the International Society of TypographicDesigners and writes a design journal at www.markboulton.co.uk.
Simon is Lead Web Developer at Agenzia (www.agenzia.co.uk), and hasworked on numerous web projects for record labels, high-profilerecording artists, leading visual artists and illustrators, includingThe Libertines, Black Convoy, and Project Facade. Simon also oversees aproduction line of business, community and voluntary sector websites,and passionately ensures everything he builds is accessible, usable,and complies with current web standards. Simon regularly reviewsCSS-based websites for Stylegala, and does his best to keep his highlypopular blog (www.collylogic.com) updated with noise about webstandards, music, film, travels, and more web standards.


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