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Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML), Third Editi

Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML), Third Editi

书名:Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML), Third Editi



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作者:Clint Eccher
出版日期:April 2, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1584505672 ISBN-13: 978-1584505679

Clint Eccher has designed professional Web sites for seven years andnow makes some of his designs available as templates through his ownsite (A5design.com) and with his new book, Professional Web Design.You get 50 templates (each of which features home and second-levelpages) and careful instructions on how to adapt them for your own use.Along the way, Eccher offers sound advice on good Web design practices;a little bit about HTML, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript; a lookat JPEGs and GIFs; and some insight into “comping” (sketching) a sitedesign for the client’s approval.
For the most part, however, this book addresses just those aspectsof Web design that readers will need to know in order to successfullyutilize the templates. These are designed as “mortised” sites; that is,they are built with nested tables and sliced GIF/JPEG combinations, thekind of design made easy with the advent of Adobe’s ImageReady andMacromedia’s Fireworks. Although this is not a how-to about using thoseapplications or about creating such sites from scratch, Eccher doeshelp readers learn how to debug and otherwise adjust the source code inorder to successfully implement the designs. In addition to trialversions of the major applications, the CD-ROM also contains theJavaScript Cookbook and HTML/CSS Developer’s Resource Guide, whichprovide lots of cut-and-paste source code for all kinds of features(games, sounds, pop-up messages) that can be added to a Web page.
One caveat: despite the templates, this book is too detailed forbeginners. For those with some experience, and especially fordevelopers who lack design skills and like the A5design style, thisbook amounts to an intensive Clint Eccher brain-picking seminar. Heoffers a few tricks that can be applied to any design (like his tips onhow to drastically reduce file sizes) and some good general advice (forexample, “Do not get attached to the work” because a client may justdecide against it). –Angelynn Grant –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
Learning CSS technology and continually improving one’s design anddeveloper skills is essential for every Web designer. Professional WebDesign: Techniques and Templates (CSS and XHTML), Third Editioneducates beginning-to-intermediate Web designers on crucial designissues through general discussion, case studies, and helpful tips andtechniques. Using easy-to-understand language and concepts, the bookbridges the knowledge gap from XHTML table-based design to fullCSS-based design, helping you master the most current technologies andtechniques needed. With over 13 years of experience as a Web designerfor Fortune 500 companies, non-profi ts, and small businesses alike,author Clint Eccher has learned numerous tips and techniques of thetrade and discloses them here, saving you time and potentialaggravation by alerting you to potential pitfalls. Best of all, heshares over 200 of the completely customizable design templates that hehas developed over the years on this book’s companion CD-ROM! Thedesigns included on the CD illustrate the book’s content and offer youa variety of options—XHTML table-based coded Web sites, e-newsletters,signatures, Photoshop-only designs, and CSS-coded designs. Thesedesigns not only offer the reader a variety of designs that can bequickly customized and used, but are great for inspiration as well.This is a complete Web design training course and free library oftemplates all in one!


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