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CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions

书名:CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions



文件大小:9.22 MB

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作者:Andy Budd, Simon Collison, Cameron Moll
出版日期:February 13, 2006
出版社:Friends of Ed
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590596145 ISBN-13: 978-1590596142

Product Description
Over the past couple of years, web designers and developers have beguntaking more care in designing and building web sites. Less readily dothey turn to old-fashioned techniques such as GIF spacers, tables forlayout, and deprecated HTML elements, which can causeaccessibility/usability problems and are just bad practice. There arethree main web standards married together to create usable,standards-compliant web designs – XHTML for data structure, JavaScriptfor dynamic effects, and Cascading Style Sheets for styling your data.
Working as a companion to our Web Standards Solutions book, thistitle covers advanced Cascading Style Sheet techniques, and includesare all the techniques you need to master CSS and craft modern,standards-compliant web page designs. You’ll already know why youshould be using CSS, so we don’t bore you with pages of theory;instead, we jump straight into practical solutions, allowing you to getwhat you need as quickly as possible.
Renowned web designer Andy Budd starts off by introducing theelements of an effective CSS toolkit, including good working practices,the cascade, the box model, relative and absolute positioning,floating, and more. He then delves into advanced techniques likereplacing images, styling links and lists, creating navigation menus,making forms look good, debugging and overcoming browser quirks, andhacking and filtering. The book is rounded off with two case studies togive you inspiration for your own designs, written by two more of theworld’s finest web designers, Simon Collinson and Cameron Moll.
About the Author
Andy is an internationally renowned web designer, developer and weblogauthor based in Brighton, England. Andy specializes in buildingattractive, accessible, and standards complaint web solutions. Andyenjoys writing about web techniques for sites such as digital-web.comand his work has been featured in numerous magazines, books, andwebsites around the world.
Simon is Lead Web Developer at Agenzia (www.agenzia.co.uk), and hasworked on numerous web projects for record labels, high-profilerecording artists, leading visual artists and illustrators, includingThe Libertines, Black Convoy, and Project Facade. Simon also oversees aproduction line of business, community and voluntary sector websites,and passionately ensures everything he builds is accessible, usable,and complies with current web standards. Simon regularly reviewsCSS-based websites for Stylegala, and does his best to keep his highlypopular blog (www.collylogic.com) updated with noise about webstandards, music, film, travels, and more web standards.


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