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Software Project Management in Practice

Software Project Management in Practice

书名:Software Project Management in Practice



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作者:Pankaj Jalote
出版日期:February 10, 2002
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0201737213 ISBN-13: 978-0201737219

Aimed at developers and IT managers alike, Software Project Management in Practiceoffers an invaluable guide to using lightweight software processes inreal projects. Filled with sample documents, this book can benefit anyorganization seeking to improve the ways it manages software.
In an era of ever tighter schedules, implementing a serious softwareprocess becomes even more difficult. This book ventures a simpleargument: that the techniques for software process management used byInfoSys (a company with a “mature” software process) can be applied toother organizations. Packed with sample documents drawn from realprojects, this book is also notable for its clear presentation and theabsence of the theoretical and jargon-laden prose that can be found inmany software engineering texts.
The author first looks at how to assess a company’s software processusing the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and other schemes.Surprisingly, the tools at InfoSys (which earn high CMM marks) are notfancy case tools, but databases, spreadsheets, and Microsoft Projectfiles. Its software process database, for example, allows new projectsto reuse existing documents and expertise. After an overview of themodified waterfall model software process used at InfoSys, the authorlooks at techniques for estimating the size and scope of projects. Thenit’s on to quality planning. A consistent theme here is that metricsand statistical process control (SPC) should be used to track defects.The book then covers risk assessment and the structure of teams. Astandout section on configuration management outlines the role forpreserving builds and project documents at each stage of the game.
Later sections examine the actual implementation and deployment ofsoftware. The author’s argument for peer review of code is a strongone. He details strategies for running design and code reviews (if evenby a single person) to catch defects and improper designs, as well astips for overcoming resistance to such practices.
Sample defect tracking and status for projects also gets its due.Sample documents (using spreadsheets and even the layout of diskdirectories) to store project information show that a simple approachcan yield productive results. The author then shows how to analyze thepatterns of defects in software, including how to use statisticaltechniques to spot out-of-control projects. The book closes with theways in which a project postmortem (or “project closure analysis”) canbe used to spot what went wrong and to improve things the next timearound.
For both those new to software process or for those who want to seesome practical ideas for successful process in a fast-paced world, thisconcisely packaged title fills a valuable niche with its mix of currentthinking on software process and excellent real-world examples. –Richard Dragan
Topics covered: Overview of mature softwareprocesses and project management; assessing process maturity with theCapability Maturity Model (CMM); Key Process Areas (KPAs); overview ofsuccessful project management at InfoSys (the author’s company); thewaterfall software development process; using process databases(reusing project management expertise); effort estimation (bottom-up,top-down, use case, and overall approaches); overall and detailedscheduling; procedural and quantitative approaches to qualitymanagement; quality goals; defect estimation and prevention;identifying and prioritizing risks; risk management planning (plusmonitoring and tracking risks); overview of metrics and measurement(including statistical process control or SPC); logging and trackingdefects; project management plans (managing teams); configurationmanagement; project reviews for better project execution (includinggroup and one-person reviews); overcoming the Not Around Here (NAH)syndrome; project tracking explained (including defect tracking, statusreports, milestone analysis); defect analysis and prevention (plusPareto and causal analysis); process monitoring and audit; projectclosure analysis; and sample software project management documents fromreal projects.
Product Description
Provides an excellent case study to guide project managers everywhere.The specific Infosys practices described reflect sound managementprinciples and practices. Softcover.


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