作者:Aaron E. Earle
出版日期:December 16, 2005
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0849333784 ISBN-13: 978-0849333781
The Wireless Security Handbook provides a well-rounded overview ofwireless network security. It examines wireless from multipleperspectives, including those of an auditor, security architect, andhacker. This wide scope benefits anyone who has to administer, secure,hack, or conduct business on a wireless network. This text tackleswireless risk from many angles. It discusses the mitigation of wirelessrisk at the policy level, cost-effective ways of deploying wirelessacross large enterprises, and financial controls that reduce unforeseenrisks in wireless projects. The handbook also offers the technicaldetails of how you can design, build, and hack nearly all wirelesssecurity components. This volume also helps advance your career bycovering all of the objectives of the three widely recognized wirelesscertifications–those administered by Planet3 Wireless and CiscoSystems. The book focuses on the wireless local area networkingtechnologies that help you meet these objectives, while also analyzingalmost all other facets of mobile communications.