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High-Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communications Wireless

High-Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communications Wireless

书名:High-Altitude Platforms for Wireless Communications Wireless



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作者:Alejandro Aragón-Zavala, José Luis Cuevas-Ruíz, José Antonio Delgado-Penín
出版日期:December 10, 2008
出版社:Wiley Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470510617 ISBN-13: 978-0470510612

Product Description
Provides an introduction to High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) technology and its applications for wireless communications
High-altitude platform stations offer a promising new technologythat combines the benefits of terrestrial and satellite communicationsystems for delivering broadband communications to users at a low cost.They are easily deployable and easy to maintain, which is why theyoffer a good alternative for network operators who need to find ways toget more coverage to satisfy the increasing demand for more capacity.HAPS are usually balloons, airships or unmanned aerial systems (UAS)located in the stratosphere. An enormous interest has grown worldwideto examine their use not only for broadband communications, but alsofor emergency services, navigation, traffic monitoring, cellular, etc.
Key features include:
Unique book focusing on emerging HAPS technology and its applicationsProvides a thorough overview of the technology including HAPS-basedcommunications systems, antennas for HAPS, radio propagation andchannel modelling issues and HAPS networking aspectsPresents various HAPS-related projects and initiatives developed throughout the world (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific)Features a comprehensive overview on both aeronautical andtelecommunications regulatory aspects, which will affect the deploymentand future developments in the field of HAPSHigh-Altitude Platform Systems for Wireless Communicationswill prove essential reading for postgraduate students in the field ofHAPS, engineers, developers and designers involved in the design andmaintenance of HAPS, aerospace engineers, and communications systemplanners and researchers.
From the Back Cover
Provides an introduction to High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) technology and its applications for wireless communications
High-altitude platform stations offer a promising new technologythat combines the benefits of terrestrial and satellite communicationsystems for delivering broadband communications to users at a low cost.They are easily deployable and easy to maintain, which is why theyoffer a good alternative for network operators who need to find ways toget more coverage to satisfy the increasing demand for more capacity.HAPS are usually balloons, airships or unmanned aerial systems (UAS)located in the stratosphere. An enormous interest has grown worldwideto examine their use not only for broadband communications, but alsofor emergency services, navigation, traffic monitoring, cellular, etc.
Key features include:
Unique book focusing on emerging HAPS technology and its applicationsProvides a thorough overview of the technology including HAPS-basedcommunications systems, antennas for HAPS, radio propagation andchannel modelling issues and HAPS networking aspectsPresents various HAPS-related projects and initiatives developed throughout the world (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific)Features a comprehensive overview on both aeronautical andtelecommunications regulatory aspects, which will affect the deploymentand future developments in the field of HAPSHigh-Altitude Platform Systems for Wireless Communicationswill prove essential reading for postgraduate students in the field ofHAPS, engineers, developers and designers involved in the design andmaintenance of HAPS, aerospace engineers, and communications systemplanners and researchers.


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