作者:James Kempf
出版日期:October 27, 2008
出版社:Cambridge University Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0521887836 ISBN-13: 978-0521887830
Product Description
In describing tools for internet security, this title focuses onunderstanding the system architecture of existing security and ondeveloping architectural changes for new security services. Topicsinclude security threats in wireless networks, security services forcountering those threats, and the process of defining functionalarchitecture for network systems. Kempf also discusses examples ofwireless Internet security systems such as wireless network accesscontrol, local IP subnet configuration and address resolution, andlocation privacy. Each chapter describes the basic network architectureand protocols for the system under consideration, security threats,functional architecture, and the important internet protocols thatimplement the architecture. This is an ideal resource for graduatestudents of electrical engineering and computer science, as well as forengineers and system architects in the wireless network industry.
Book Description
Approaching wireless Internet security from the position of systemarchitecture, this text describes the cryptographic and protocol-basedtools for Internet security, highlighting their application in wirelessnetworks. Rather than dealing with specific standards or products, thefocus throughout is on the architectural and practical design aspectsof wireless security systems.