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Forecasting Oracle Performance

Forecasting Oracle Performance

书名:Forecasting Oracle Performance



文件大小:5.24 MB

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作者:Craig Shallahamer
出版日期:April 19, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590598024 ISBN-13: 978-1590598023

Product Description
What makes seasoned IT professionals run for cover? Answer:Forecasting Oracle performance! Craig Shallahamer is an Oracleperformance expert with over 18 years of experience. His book is thefirst to focus, not on the problem of solving today’s problem, butsquarely on the problem of forecasting the future performance of anOracle database. Other Oracle performance books are good for puttingout fires; Craig’s book helps you avoid all the heat in the first place.
Application over mathematical proofs…
If you’re an IT practioner who appreciates application overmathematical proofs than you’ll be pleasantly surprised! Each chapteris filled with examples to transform the theory, mathematics, andmethods into something you can practically apply. Craig’s goal is toteach you about real-word Oracle performance forecasting. Period. Thereis no hidden agenda.
A practical and hands-on training course in a book…
This book is a kind of training course. After reading, studying, andpracticing the material covered in this book, you to be able toconfidently, responsibly, and professionally forecast performance andsystem capacity in a wide variety of real-life situations.
How to avoid being on the Wall Street Journal’s front page…
If you are more management minded (or want to be) you will bedelighted with the service level management focus. Forecasting makesgood business sense because it maximizes the return on IT investmentand minimizes unplanned down time. To those who think forecasting is awaste of money. Well…obviously they’ve never been on the evening newsbecause their company lost millions of dollars in revenue and branddestruction because of poorly performing or unavailable systems.
It’s about equipping you…
Without a doubt you will be equipped to deal with the realities offorecasting Oracle performance. But this book gives you more. Not onlywill you receive a technical and mathematical perspective, but also acommunication, a presentation, and a management perspective. This iscareer building stuff and immensely satisfying!
What you’ll learn
This book is a “how to” book filled with examples to transformtheory and mathematics into something you can practically apply. Youwill learn how to use a variety of forecasting models, which willenable you to methodically:
* Help manage service levels from a business value perspective,
* Identify the risk of over utilized resources,
* Predict what component of an architecture is at risk,
* Predict when a system will be at risk,
* Develop multiple risk mitigating strategies to ensure service levels are
* maintained
* Characterize a complex Oracle workload.
Who is this book for?
I.T. professionals who must ensure their production Oracle systemsare meeting service levels, in part, through forecasting performance,identifying risk, and developing solutions to ensure systems areavailable without wasting budget. Readers include databaseadministrators, I.T. managers, developers, capacity planners, systemsarchitects, systems integrators.
About the Author
Craig Shallahamer has over 18 years of experience working inOracle&emdash;empowering others to maximize their Oracleinvestment, efficiencies, and performance. In addition to being aconsultant, researcher, writer, and keynote speaker at Oracleconferences, he is the designer and developer of OraPub’s AdvancedReactive Performance Management and Forecasting Oracle Performanceclasses. He is also the architect of HoriZone, OraPub’s service-levelmanagement product.


  • Even Faster Web Sites: Performance Best Practices for Web Developers
  • Troubleshooting Oracle Performance (PDF 英文版)
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  • The Art of Application Performance Testing: Help for Programmers and Quality Ass
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