作者:Chip Dawes, Bob Bryla, Joseph C. Johnson, Matthew Weishan
There is high demand for professionals in the information technology(IT) industry, and Oracle certifications are the hottest credentials inthe database world. You have made the right decision to pursue yourOracle certification, because achieving it will give you a distinctadvantage in this highly competitive market.
Most of you should already be familiar with Oracle and need nointroduction to the Oracle database world. Here’s some information forthose who aren’t. Oracle, founded in 1977, sold the first commercialrelational database and is now the world’s leading database company andsecond-largest independent software company, with revenues of more than$10 billion, serving more than 145 countries.
Oracle databases are the de facto standard for large Internet sites,and Oracle advertisers are boastful but honest when they proclaim, “TheInternet Runs on Oracle.” Almost all big Internet sites run Oracledatabases. Oracle’s penetration of the database market runs deep and isnot limited to dot-com implementations. Enterprise resource planning(ERP) application suites, data warehouses, and custom applications atmany companies rely on Oracle. The demand for DBA resources remainshigher than others during weak economic times.
This book is intended to help you pass the Oracle Database 10 g :Administration I exam, which will establish your credentials as anOracle Database Administrator. The OCA certification is a prerequisiteto obtaining the more comprehensive Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)certification and is the first step toward obtaining an OracleCertified Master (OCM) certification. Using this book and a practicedatabase, you can acquire the necessary skills to pass the 1Z0-042Oracle Database 10 g : Administration I exam.