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Beginning Oracle Database 11g Administration: From Novice to Professional Admini

Beginning Oracle Database 11g Administration: From Novice to Professional Admini

书名:Beginning Oracle Database 11g Administration: From Novice to Professional Admini



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作者:Iggy Fernandez
出版日期:February 20, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590599683 ISBN-13: 978-1590599686

Product Description
This book, written by veteran Oracle database administrator Iggy Fernandez, a regular on the Oracle conference circuit and the editor of NoCOUG Journal,is a manageable introduction to key Oracle database administrationtopics including planning, installation, monitoring, troubleshooting,maintenance, and backups, to name just a few. As is clear from thetable of contents, this book is not simply a recitation of OracleDatabase features such as what you find in the reference guidesavailable for free download on the Oracle web site. For example, thechapter on database monitoring explains how to monitor databaseavailability, database changes, database security, database backups,database growth, database workload, database performance, and databasecapacity.
The chapters of this book are logically organized into four partsthat closely track the way your database administration career willnaturally evolve. Part 1 gives you necessary background in relationaldatabase theory and Oracle Database concepts, Part 2 teaches you how toimplement an Oracle database correctly, Part 3 exposes you to the dailyroutine of a database administrator, and Part 4 introduces you to thefine art of performance tuning. Each chapter has exercises designed tohelp you apply the lessons of the chapter. Each chapter also includes alist of reference works that contain more information on the topic ofthe chapter.
In this book, you’ll find information that you won’t find in otherbooks on Oracle Database. Here you’ll discover not only technicalinformation, but also guidance on work practices that are as vital toyour success as technical skills. The author’s favorite chapter is “TheBig Picture and the Ten Deliverables.” If you take the lessons in thatchapter to heart, you can quickly become a much better Oracle databaseadministrator than you ever thought possible.
What you’ll learnTheory of relational database management systems Oracle Database internals Licensing, architecture, and sizingSoftware installation and database creationUsing indexes to improve performance User management and data loading How to monitor all aspects of your database How to solve and fix problems Database backups and database recovery Database maintenance Database tuning SQL tuningWho is this book for?If you are an IT professional who has been thrust into an Oracledatabase administration role without the benefit of formal training, oryou just want to understand how Oracle Database works, this book is foryou. It’s the book the author wishes he’d had when he first startedusing Oracle Database many years ago. It’s the book that he would haveliked to have given to the many IT colleagues and friends who, over theyears, have asked him to teach them the basics of Oracle Database.
About the Apress Beginning SeriesThe Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get theinformation you need to land that crucial entry–level job. These bookswill teach you a standard and important technology from the ground upbecause they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice toprofessional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need toknow—but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skillset by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step.So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learningopportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there—it isyour trusted guide through unfamiliar territory!
About the Author
Iggy Fernandez is a veteran Oracle database administrator with morethan a dozen years of experience. After being forced, literallyovernight, from the world of C programming into a junior databaseadministrator position, Iggy has gone on to make a solid career out ofworking with Oracle Database. Iggy likes to share his knowledge; he isa regular on the Oracle conference circuit and the editor of NoCOUG Journal.


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