作者:James Joshi
出版日期:May 16, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0123744636 ISBN-13: 978-0123744630
Book Description
All of the elements of network security together in a single volume written by the best and brightest experts in the field!
Product Description
Network Security: Know It All explains the basics, describes theprotocols, and discusses advanced topics, by the best and brightestexperts in the field of network security.
Assembled from the works of leading researchers and practitioners,this best-of-the-best collection of chapters on network security andsurvivability is a valuable and handy resource. It consolidates contentfrom the fields leading experts while creating a one-stop-shoppingopportunity for readers to access the information only otherwiseavailable from disparate sources.
* Chapters contributed by recognized experts in the field covertheory and practice of network security technology, allowing the readerto develop a new level of knowledge and technical expertise.
* Up-to-date coverage of network security issues facilitateslearning and lets the reader remain current and fully informed frommultiple viewpoints.
* Presents methods of analysis and problem-solving techniques,enhancing the readers grasp of the material and ability to implementpractical solutions.
* Examples illustrate core security concepts for enhanced comprehension