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Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures

Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures

书名:Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures



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作者:Peter Thermos, Ari Takanen
出版日期:August 11, 2007
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0321437349 ISBN-13: 978-0321437341

Product Description
In Securing VoIP Networks, two leadingexperts systematically review the security risks and vulnerabilitiesassociated with VoIP networks and offer proven, detailedrecommendations for securing them. Drawing on case studies from theirown fieldwork, the authors address VoIP security from the perspectiveof real-world network implementers, managers, and security specialists.The authors identify key threats to VoIP networks, includingeavesdropping, unauthorized access, denial of service, masquerading,and fraud; and review vulnerabilities in protocol design, networkarchitecture, software, and system configuration that place networks atrisk. They discuss the advantages and tradeoffs associated withprotection mechanisms built into SIP, SRTP, and other VoIP protocols;and review key management solutions such as MIKEY and ZRTP. Next, theypresent a complete security framework for enterprise VoIP networks, andprovide detailed architectural guidance for both service providers andenterprise users.

1 Introduction
2 VoIP Architectures and Protocols
3 Threats and Attacks
4 VoIP Vulnerabilites
5 Signaling Protection Mechanisms
6 Media Protection Mechanisms
7 Key Management Mechanisms
8 VoIP and Network Security Controls
9 A Security Framework for Enterprise VoIP Networks
10 Provider Architectures and Security
11 Enterprise Architectures and Security
About the Author
Peter Thermos is CTO of Palindrome Technologies, which provides informationsecurity consulting services to government and commercial organizations.Peter started his career at Bellcore (now Telcordia) as a member of the technicalstaff and later as a principal technical expert on key information security andassurance tasks. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and industry forumsincluding the IEEE, MIS, IEC, ISACA, VON, and others. Peter is also knownfor his contributions to the security community for discovering softwarevulnerabilities, the release of SiVuS (The First VoIP Vulnerability Scanner)and the vopsecurity.org Forum. Peter holds a Masters Degree in ComputerScience from Columbia University where he is currently furthering hisgraduate studies.
Ari Takanen is founder and CTO of Codenomicon. Since 1998, Ari hasfocused on information security issues in next-generation networks and securitycritical environments. He began at Oulu University Secure Programming Group(OUSPG) as a contributing member to PROTOS research that studied informationsecurity and reliability errors in WAP, SNMP, LDAP, and VoIP implementations.Ari and his company, Codenomicon Ltd. provide and commercialize automatedtools using a systematic approach to test a multitude of interfaces on mission-criticalsoftware, VoIP platforms, Internet-routing infrastructure, and 3G devices.Codenomicon and the University of Oulu aim to ensure new technologies areaccepted by the general public, by providing means of measuring and ensuringquality in networked software. Ari has been speaking at numerous security andtesting conferences on four continents and has been invited to speak at leadinguniversities and international corporations.


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