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Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition

书名:Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition



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作者:Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith, Leif Madsen
出版日期:August 28, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0596510489 ISBN-13: 978-0596510480

Product Description
This bestselling book is now the standard guide to building phonesystems with Asterisk, the open source IP PBX that has traditionaltelephony providers running scared! Revised for the 1.4 release of thesoftware, the new edition of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony revealshow you can save money on equipment and support, and finally be incontrol of your telephone system. If you’ve worked with telephony inthe past, you’re familiar with the problem: expensive and inflexiblesystems that are tuned to the vendor’s needs, not yours. Asterisk isn’tjust a candle in the darkness, it’s a whole fireworks show. BecauseAsterisk is so powerful, configuring it can seem tricky and difficult.This book steps you through the process of installing, configuring, andintegrating Asterisk with your existing phone system. You’ll learn howto write dialplans, set up applications including speech synthesis andvoice recognition, how to script Asterisk, and much more — everythingyou need to design a simple but complete system with little or noAsterisk experience, and no more than rudimentary telecommunicationsknowledge. The book includes: A new chapter on managing/administeringyour Asterisk system A new chapter on using Asterisk with databasesCoverage of features in Asterisk 1.4 A new appendix on dialplanfunctions A simplified installation chapter New simplified SIPconfiguration, including examples for several popular SIP clients (softphones and IP telephones) Revised chapters and appendicies reviewed andupdated for the latest in features, applications, trends andbest-practices Asterisk is revolutionizing the telecom industry, due inlarge part to the way it gets along with other networkapplications.While other PBXs are fighting their inevitable absorption into thenetwork, Asterisk embraces it. If you need to take control of yourtelephony systems, move to Asterisk and see what the future oftelecommunications looks like.
About the Author
Jim Van Meggelen is President and CTO of Core Telecom Innovations, aCanadian-based provider of open-source telephony solutions. He has overfifteen years of enterprise telecom experience, for such companies asNortel, Williams and Telus, and has has extensive knowledge of bothlegacy and VoIP equipment from manufacturers such as Nortel, Cisco andAvaya.
Jim was the architect of two of the world’s largest managedenterprise voice networks; each solution serving roughlytwenty-thousand users in more than one-thousand communities acrossCanada, providing telecommunications in five different languages,through six time zones, administered completely from a centrallocation. These networks pioneered the use of extensive automation anddatabase control in a branch voice network – functionalities notgenerally available in proprietary telecommunications systems. Jim hasnow moved on from the world of proprietary telecom, and is commited toopen-source telephony.
Jim is one of the principal contributors to the AsteriskDocumentation Project, and is co-author of the bestselling O’Reillybook, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony. He enjoys teaching, publicspeaking, improvisational acting, and writing.
Jim lives in Toronto with his wife and three children.
Jared Smith is a long time member of the Asterisk community, and aco-founder of the Asterisk Documentation Project. Jared has over adecade of systems administration and programming experience, along withseveral years of professional telephony and voice-over-IP experience.As the architect of one of the world’s largest Asterisk installations,he has a wealth of hands-on Asterisk knowledge. Jim Van Meggelen isPresident and CTO of Core Telecom Innovations, a Canadian-basedprovider of open-source telephony solutions. He has over fifteen yearsof enterprise telecom experience, for such companies as Nortel,Williams and Telus, and has extensive knowledge of both legacy and VoIPequipment from manufacturers such as Nortel, Cisco and Avaya. Jim isone of the principal contributors to the Asterisk DocumentationProject. Leif Madsen first took an interest in Asterisk whileattempting to find a voice conferencing solution for him and hisfriends. After someone suggested trying Asterisk, the obsession began.Wanting to contribute and be involved with the community, and noticingthe lack of Asterisk documentation, he co-founded the AsteriskDocumentation Project.
Leif Madsen first took an interest in Asterisk while attempting tofind a voice conferencing solution for him and his friends. Aftersomeone suggested trying Asterisk, the obsession began. Wanting tocontribute and be involved with the community, and noticing the lack ofAsterisk documentation, he co-founded the Asterisk DocumentationProject.


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