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SIP Security

SIP Security

书名:SIP Security



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作者:Dorgham Sisalem, John Floroiu, Jiri Kuthan, Ulrich Abend, Henning Schulzrinne
出版日期:May 26, 2009
出版社:Wiley Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470516364 ISBN-13: 978-0470516362

Product Description
This book gives a detailed overview of SIP specific security issues and how to solve them
While the standards and products for VoIP and SIP services havereached market maturity, security and regulatory aspects of suchservices are still being discussed. SIP itself specifies only a basicset of security mechanisms that cover a subset of possible securityissues. In this book, the authors survey important aspects of securingSIP-based services. This encompasses a description of the problemsthemselves and the standards-based solutions for such problems. Where astandards-based solution has not been defined, the alternatives arediscussed and the benefits and constraints of the different solutionsare highlighted.
Key Features:
Will help the readers to understand the actual problems of usingand developing VoIP services, and to distinguish between real problemsand the general hype of VoIP security
Discusses key aspects of SIP security including authentication, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and signalling
Assesses the real security issues facing users of SIP, and detailsthe latest theoretical and practical solutions to SIP Security issues
Covers secure SIP access, inter-provider secure communication,media security, security of the IMS infrastructures as well as VoIPservices vulnerabilities and countermeasures against Denial-of-Serviceattacks and VoIP spam
This book will be of interest to IT staff involved in deploying anddeveloping VoIP, service users of SIP, network engineers, designers andmanagers. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studyingdata/voice/multimedia communications as well as researchers in academiaand industry will also find this book valuable.
From the Back Cover
This book gives a detailed overview of SIP specific security issues and how to solve them
While the standards and products for VoIP and SIP services havereached market maturity, security and regulatory aspects of suchservices are still being discussed. SIP itself specifies only a basicset of security mechanisms that cover a subset of possible securityissues. In this book, the authors survey important aspects of securingSIP-based services. This encompasses a description of the problemsthemselves and the standards-based solutions for such problems. Where astandards-based solution has not been defined, the alternatives arediscussed and the benefits and constraints of the different solutionsare highlighted.
Key Features:
•Will help the readers to understand the actual problems of usingand developing VoIP services, and to distinguish between real problemsand the general hype of VoIP security
•Discusses key aspects of SIP security including authentication, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and signalling
•Assesses the real security issues facing users of SIP, and detailsthe latest theoretical and practical solutions to SIP Security issues
•Covers secure SIP access, inter-provider secure communication,media security, security of the IMS infrastructures as well as VoIPservices vulnerabilities and countermeasures against Denial-of-Serviceattacks and VoIP spam
This book will be of interest to IT staff involved in deploying anddeveloping VoIP, service users of SIP, network engineers, designers andmanagers. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studyingdata/voice/multimedia communications as well as researchers in academiaand industry will also find this book valuable.


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