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Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms

Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms

书名:Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms



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作者:Daniel Rubio
出版日期:February 12, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1430216123 ISBN-13: 978-1430216124

Product Description
Spring and OSGi’s features are a natural fit; they are orthogonal toeach other: OSGi is about packaging, deployment, and versioning issues,while Spring is about providing the necessary foundation to wire upJava classes in their most basic form using dependency injection andaspect orientation to fulfill an application’s purpose.Pro Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi™ Service Platforms byDaniel Rubio is the first book to cover OSGi as practically implementedby the world’s most popular, agile, and open source enterprise Javaframework, Spring.
Author Daniel Rubio covers the ease at which OSGi is used with the Spring Framework in development, packaging, versioning, and deployment.Enterprises are trusting Spring more and more, and this bookleverages OSGi in a way that can “complete” the use of Spring in theenterprise, as OSGi is already being trusted and adopted by IBM, BEA,and others.The text discusses how Spring OSGi makes your Spring applications trusted SOA applications.What you’ll learnUnderstand the fundamentals of OSGi and Spring, and combine the two.Take your Spring applications and bundles, and incorporate OSGi forproduction–ready packaging, versioning practices, and deployment.Create production–ready Spring Beans by packaging and versioning, and then deploy them.Develop data access methods and means for your Spring OSGi projects.Build and use GUIs for Spring OSGi.Test, scale, and optimize your Spring OSGi applications for deployment and performance.Who is this book for?This book is for Java developers using the Spring Framework who arelooking to take advantage of OSGi features, and Java developers ingeneral looking to explore OSGi’s role on server–side development.
About the Apress Pro SeriesThe Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.
You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in thesetough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills andexpertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Probook, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professionaldevelopment project. Written by experts in their field, Pro seriesbooks from Apress give you the hard–won solutions to problems you willface in your professional programming career.
About the Author
Daniel Rubio is an independent consultant with over 10 years ofexperience in enterprise and web–based software. More recently, Danielis founder and technical lead at MashupSoft.com.


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