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Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

书名:Learning SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services



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作者:Jayaram Krishnaswamy
出版日期:March 31, 2009
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1847196187 ISBN-13: 978-1847196187

Product Description
A step-by-step guide to getting the most of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008Everything you need to create and deliver data-rich reports with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services as quickly as possiblePacked with hands-on-examples to learn and improve your skillsConnect and report from databases, spreadsheets, XML Data, and moreNo experience of SQL Server Reporting Services requiredIn Detail
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 is the third generationMicrosoft reporting software that is more tightly integrated with SQLServer 2008 than ever before. It provides a complete server-basedplatform that is designed to support a wide variety of reporting needs,including managed enterprise reporting, special purpose reporting,embedded reporting, and web-based reporting.
Ideal for beginners who need to create reports as quickly aspossible, this book will lead you through practical examples to teachyou a full range of skills for reporting with SQL Server 2008 ReportingServices. A series of carefully picked exercises help you practice themost important aspects of report creation. By the end of the book, youwill have the confidence to take on the most complex of reports, and beproducing reports that will make you the envy of your organization.
What you will learn from this book?
Install SQL Server 2008 and configure the SQL Server Reporting ServicesLearn the various components and tools that enable end-to-end support for all reporting activitiesUse the report viewer control to get started with the essentials of retrieving and displaying dataCreate a Report Model using the Visual Studio 2008 TemplateLearn to modify reports on a report server and create linked files with report managerEmbed Microsoft Report Viewer Controls in web and Windows applicationsCreate interactive reports with charts and gauges using Report BuilderCreate several kinds of reports with Report Builder 2.0Create server reports and report models and deploy themGet the full details of available programming interfaces and their usageLearn to work with Crystal Reports 2008Import reports created using MS AccessLearn how to use the Programming API, convert Report file types, use command-line utilities and moreApproach
With clear instructions and plenty of screenshots, this bookprovides all the support and guidance you will need as you begin togenerate reports with SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for anyone who is new to SQL Server 2008 ReportingServices and needs to create and deploy reports. The book is suitablefor report developers, data analysts, and report server databaseadministrators.
You will need to know the basic concepts of SQL Server, but not necessarily be very familiar with SQL Server 2008.
About the Author
Jayaram Krishnaswamy studied at the Indian Institute of Science inBangalore India and Madras University in India and taught at the IndianInstitute of Technology in Madras. He went to Japan on a JapaneseMinistry of Education Research scholarship to complete his PhD inElectrical Engineering from Nagoya University. He was a Post DoctoralFellow at Sydney University in Australia; a Government of India SeniorScientific Officer at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore andIndian Institute of Technology at Kanpur; a Visiting Scientist at theEindhoven Institute of Technology in Netherlands; a Visiting Professorof Physics at the Federal University in Brazil; an Associate ResearchScientist at a government laboratory in Sao Jose dos Campos in SaoPaulo, Brazil; a visiting scientist at the National Research Council inOttawa, Canada before coming to USA in 1985. He has also taught andworked at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins and NorthCarolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. He worked withNorthrop Grumman Corporation on a number of projects related to highenergy electron accelerators / Free Electron Lasers. These projectswere undertaken at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Islandand in the Physics Department at Princeton University. He has over 80publications in refereed and non-refereed publications and 8 issuedpatents. He is fluent in Japanese and Portuguese and lives inPlainsboro, New Jersey, USA.
He has been working in the IT related fields since 1997. He was oncea Microsoft Certified Trainer in Networking and a Siebel developer. Hehas worked with several IT related companies, such as the ButlerInternational in their Siebel practice; several other IBM subcontractors and smaller companies.During 2006-2007 he wrote more than200 articles mostly related to database and web related technologiescovering Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase, ColdFusion, Sun and other vendorproducts.
Jayaram Krishnaswamy
Jayaram Krishnaswamy studied at the Indian Institute of Science inBangalore India and Madras University in India and taught at the IndianInstitute of Technology in Madras. He went to Japan on a JapaneseMinistry of Education Research scholarship to complete his PhD inElectrical Engineering from Nagoya University. He was a Post DoctoralFellow at Sydney University in Australia; a Government of India SeniorScientific Officer at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore andIndian Institute of Technology at Kanpur; a Visiting Scientist at theEindhoven Institute of Technology in Netherlands; a Visiting Professorof Physics at the Federal University in Brazil; an Associate ResearchScientist at a government laboratory in Sao Jose dos Campos in SaoPaulo, Brazil; a visiting scientist at the National Research Council inOttawa, Canada before coming to USA in 1985. He has also taught andworked at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins and NorthCarolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. He worked withNorthrop Grumman Corporation on a number of projects related to highenergy electron accelerators / Free Electron Lasers. These projectswere undertaken at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Islandand in the Physics Department at Princeton University. He has over 80publications in refereed and non-refereed publications and 8 issuedpatents. He is fluent in Japanese and Portuguese and lives inPlainsboro, New Jersey, USA.
He has been working in the IT related fields since 1997. He was oncea Microsoft Certified Trainer in Networking and a Siebel developer. Hehas worked with several IT related companies, such as the ButlerInternational in their Siebel practice; several other IBM subcontractors and smaller companies. Presently he is active in writingtechnical articles in the IT field to many online sites such asCodeProject, APSFree.com, DevShed.com, DevArticles.com,OfficeUsers.org, ASPAlliance.com, ITToolbox.com, databasedev.co.uk,cimaware.com, and many others. During 2006-2007 he wrote more than 200articles mostly related to database and web related technologiescovering Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase, ColdFusion, Sun and other vendorproducts.


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