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Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR

Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR

书名:Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex and AIR



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作者:Chris Korhonen, David Hassoun
出版日期:April 28, 2008
出版社:Friends of Ed
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590599365 ISBN-13: 978-1590599365

Product Description
Web applications no longer need be powered by any one individual’sdata, and they don’t need to be confined to the desktop. Developers candraw on a wealth of publicly available content, from providers such asFlickr, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Last.fm, and combine it for use intheir own applications. Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) makes it simpleto bring previously web-only applications to the desktop, allowing themto run alongside traditional applications on an end user’s computer.
In this book, you’ll learn how to create mashup applications fromthe vast array of web services, feeds, and APIs using Adobe Flash andFlex together with HTML and JavaScript (Ajax). You’ll be introduced tothe various sources of information and the tools necessary to gatherand reuse that information, and then you’ll learn how to combine thatcontent in a variety of ways.
You’ll learn how to have desktop applications interact with onlineservices such as Flickr, you’ll learn how to use Amazon S3 forenterprise-level data storage, and you’ll embrace technologies such asOpenID. In addition, you’ll create abstract visualizations based onmusic sourced from Last.fm and consume Twitter content via RSS. Youwill also see how to use the Flash-native data format SWX along withPHP to create a Yahoo! weather widget.
You’ll discover just why you may want to build a widget or a desktopapplication rather leaving things web-based; then you’ll create anapplication using Flex Builder and AIR and learn how best to distributeit. With so many tools and so much data available, the possibilitiesfor mashup creation are endless. Creating Mashups with Adobe Flex andAIR provides all you need to get you up and running quickly, while alsogiving you a solid understanding of the technologies involved so youcan take things furtherto a place limited only by your imagination.
In this book you’ll learnhow to use Flex 3 in conjunction with ActionScript 3.0 to build powerful applications;how you can use Adobe AIR to take your application from the Web and onto the desktop;the differences between developing for the Web and for the desktop;how you can use the APIs of popular web services such as Flickr,Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Last.fm as data sources for yourapplication; andhow to optimize your applications for fast and efficient performance.About the Author
Chris works as a Software Architect in Brighton, England. With abackground in web development, he now specializes in developing richinternet applications for financial services, with specific focus oncreating engaging user experiences.
David is the founder of RealEyes Media, a digital media firm focusedon interactive motion media and advanced enterprise-class Flashplatform applications. He is a Macromedia Certified Master Instructor,adjunct professor at the University of Denver, Adobe User GroupManager, and has taught/developed many successful advanced Flashapplication courses. He has also provided technical and strategicadvice for international industry leaders over the past years includingtechnical, courseware, application reviews and development forMacromedia/Adobe and their clients as an industry expert.


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