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Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius

Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius

书名:Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius



文件大小:12.99 MB

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作者:Dwight Spivey
出版日期:September 22, 2008
出版社:Wiley Publishing
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470290501 ISBN-13: 978-0470290507

Product Description
Mac OS X Portable Genius is always at the ready for you withfacts, tips, and secrets to give you the most from your favorite OS.This genius teaches you to customize your computer and workspace,troubleshoot and maintain Mac OS X, and just have fun. Browse andmanipulate images and multimedia, listen to music and Podcasts, copymusic to an iPod, add a printer, sync your Mac to other devices, andtake control of Leopard to make it work for you.
From the introduction:
“Some of you may be rolling your eyes right now; all computers use thefile and folder concept and some sort of colorful user interface, sothere couldn’t be that much difference between Mac OS X and itscompetitors, right? Wrong. I don’t just say this because of some blinddevotion to all things Apple; I’ve actually used different flavors ofWindows and Linux for more than 13 years, right alongside my trustyMac, so experience has been my teacher. If I have any devotion toApple, there are plenty of good reasons why, the subject of this bookbeing the first. Readers of this book who are already Mac usersunderstand exactly what I’m talking about. For those of you moving fromother computing platforms, it’s my desire that by the end of this bookyou will have a whole new perspective on computing and see what itmeans to really have fun while working with your computer. In Mac OS XLeopard Portable Genius you can learn not just the basics, but thesubtle nuances and little tips and tricks that make using your Mac thatmuch easier. I’ve covered the gamut, from printing files, surfing theInternet and using e-mail, to partitioning your hard drive, automatingrepetitive tasks, and using UNIX commands, with just a little bit ofgeeky humor thrown in for good measure. I hope this book will dojustice to Mac OS X Leopard, which isn’t just a computer operatingsystem; it’s an art form.”
From the Back Cover
The Genius is in.
You don’t have to be a genius to use Mac OS X Leopard. But if youwant to get the very most out of it, put this savvy Portable Geniusguide to work and start ramping up the pace. Want to discover Leopard’sapplications and utilities? Automate repetitive tasks? Use UNIXcommands? Install Windows? You’ll find cool and useful Genius tips,full-color screenshots, and pages of easy-to-access shortcuts and toolsthat will save you loads of time and let you enjoy Mac OS X Leopard tothe max. Keep this indispensable Genius on hand and watch your Mac OS XLeopard IQ soar.
Portable GENIUS
Fun, hip, and straightforward, the new Portable Genius series givesforward-thinking Apple users useful information in handy, compact booksthat are easy to navigate and don’t skimp on the essentials. Collectthe whole series and make the most of your Apple digital lifestyle.


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