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Pluggable Authentication Modules: The Definitive Guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmin

Pluggable Authentication Modules: The Definitive Guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmin

书名:Pluggable Authentication Modules: The Definitive Guide to PAM for Linux SysAdmin



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作者:Kenneth Geisshirt
副书名:how modules work and how to implement them
出版日期:January 15, 2007
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1904811329 ISBN-13: 978-1904811329

Product Description
A comprehensive and practical guide to PAM for Linux: how modules work and how to implement themUnderstand and configure PAMDevelop PAM-aware applications and your own PAMs using the API and CHow to authenticate users in Active Directory, mount encrypted homedirectories, load SSH keys automatically, and restrict web and rshservicesIn Detail
PAM-aware applications reduce the complexity of authentication. WithPAM you can use the same user database for every login process. PAMalso supports different authentication processes as required. Moreover,PAM is a well-defined API, and PAM-aware applications will not break ifyou change the underlying authentication configuration.
The PAM framework is widely used by most Linux distributions forauthentication purposes. Originating from Solaris 2.6 ten years ago,PAM is used today by most proprietary and free UNIX operating systemsincluding GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris, following both the designconcept and the practical details. PAM is thus a unifying technologyfor authentication mechanisms in UNIX.
PAM is a modular and flexible authentication management layer thatsits between Linux applications and the native underlyingauthentication system. PAM can be implemented with various applicationswithout having to recompile the applications to specifically supportPAM.
What you will learn from this book?
Using PAM services for authentication in applicationsUsing PAM modules common to various operating systems(pam_mkhomedir, pam_mount, pam_succeed_if, pam_nologin, pam_wheel,pam_access, pam_deny, pam_unix, pam_winbind, pam_ldap, pam_mysql)Testing and debugging your PAM configurationUsing PAM and Winbind for integrating any Linux/UNIX computer with Microsoft Active DirectoryDeveloping your own PAM module in CApproach
This book provides a practical approach to UNIX/Linuxauthentication. The design principles are explained thoroughly, thenillustrated through the examination of popular modules. It is intendedas a one-stop introduction and reference to PAM.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for experienced system administrators and developersworking with multiple Linux/UNIX servers or with both UNIX and Windowsservers. It assumes a good level of admin knowledge, and thatdevelopers are competent in C development on UNIX-based systems.
About the Author
Kenneth Geisshirt
Kenneth Geisshirt is a chemist by education, and is a strongfree-software advocate. He spent his Christmas holidays in 1992installing SLS Linux, and GNU/Linux has been his favorite operatingsystem ever since. Currently, he does consultancy work in areas likescientific computing and Linux clusters. He lives in Copenhagen,Denmark with his partner and their two children. You can find him at kenneth.geisshirt.dk/.


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