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RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails

RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails

书名:RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails



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作者:Michael Hartl, Aurelius Prochazka
出版日期:July 30, 2007
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0321480791 ISBN-13: 978-0321480798

Product Description
Ruby on Rails is fast displacing PHP, ASP, and J2EE as the developmentframework of choice for discriminating programmers, thanks to itselegant design and emphasis on practical results. RailsSpaceteaches you to build large-scale projects with Rails by developing areal-world application: a social networking website like MySpace,Facebook, or Friendster.Inside, the authors walk you step by step from the creation of thesite’s virtually static front page, through user registration andauthentication, and into a highly dynamic site, complete with userprofiles, image upload, email, blogs, full-text and geographicalsearch, and a friendship request system. In the process, you learn howRails helps you control code complexity with the model-view-controller(MVC) architecture, abstraction layers, automated testing, and coderefactoring, allowing you to scale up to a large project even with asmall number of developers.
This essential introduction to Rails provides
A tutorial approach that allows you to experience Rails as it is actually usedA solid foundation for creating any login-based website in RailsCoverage of newer and more advanced Rails features, such as form generators, REST, and Ajax (including RJS)A thorough and integrated introduction to automated testingThe book’s companion website provides the application source code, ablog with follow-up articles, narrated screencasts, and a workingversion of the RailSpace social network.
About the Author
Michael Hartl is a programmer and entrepreneur. Beforediscovering Rails, he used Zope/Python in a startup he cofounded toproduce fantasy sports websites, including BracketManager, at the timethe number one independent NCAA Basketball Tournament website.Previously, he was a physics instructor at the California Institute ofTechnology, where he received the Lifetime Achievement Award forExcellence in Teaching. He also served as Caltech’s editor for The Feynman Lectures on Physics: The Definitive and Extended Edition (Addison-Wesley). He is a graduate of Harvard College and has a Ph.D. in physics from Caltech.
Aurelius Prochazka is a pioneer of interactive,user-driven websites and has founded several companies, includingCreative Internet Design, Inc., and ArsDigita Corporation. Afterworking extensively with many operating systems and web frameworks, hehappily calls Macintosh OS X and Ruby on Rails his preferredprogramming environments. Aurelius is the principal developer ofCaltech’s main website, as well as its admissions and alumni sites. Heis a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and has a Ph.D. incomputational fluid dynamics from Caltech.


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