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NetBeans™ Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby

NetBeans™ Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby

书名:NetBeans™ Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby



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作者:Chris Kutler, Brian Leonard
出版日期:December 29, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1430216360 ISBN-13: 978-1430216360

Product Description
As Ruby and Rails continues to grow, and more and more jobs are comingonline that require you to effectively develop Ruby and Rails in theweb tier. Beyond the Rails framework, there are still very few proventools and IDEs to get the job done, at least until now. The NetBeansRuby and Rails IDE, according to some, is by far the best and provenIDE in Ruby and Rails. Who would’ve thought a Java IDE could do Rubyand Rails?Published with the developer in mind, firstPress technical briefsexplore emerging technologies that have the potential to be criticalfor tomorrow’s industry. Apress keeps developers one step ahead bypresenting key information as early as possible in a PDF of 150 pagesor less. Explore the future through Apress with NetBeans™ Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby,an officially endorsed NetBeans project book, which is for Ruby andRails programmers who want to take advantage of the NetBeans IDE tofacilitate their Ruby and/or Rails web application development.
Shows you how to use the NetBeans IDE 6.5 in the Ruby and Rails development processesGives you in–depth information to help you configure the workingenvironment for your specific Ruby interpreter, application server, anddatabase serverShowcases the NetBeans features that enhance your productivity from project creation, to editing, debugging, and testingAuthors Chris Kutler and Brian Leonardwork closely with both the developers of the NetBeans Ruby and RailsIDE project and the user community. The authors’ in–depth knowledge ofthe numerous product features, in addition to an understanding of howthe community uses the product to meet their development practices,enables them to present you the essential information necessary toefficiently and effectively use the tools of this IDE.
What you’ll learnGetting a fully functional Ruby on Rails environment up and running with a single product installationAbandoning the command line for all things Rails: project creation, GEM installation, etc.Working with all facets of your project—source code, databases, web servers—from a single environmentDebugging Ruby code interactively, even the Ruby on Rails source code, to really understand what the Rails framework is doingRunning Ruby applications on the Java VM and deploying Railsapplications to Java servlet containers such as GlassFish and TomcatWho is this book forThis officially endorsed NetBeans project book is for Ruby and Railsprogrammers who want to take advantage of the NetBeans IDE tofacilitate their Ruby and/or Rails web application development.
About the Author
Chris Kutler, one of the tutorial divas at blogs.sun.com/divas, writesabout Ruby, Ajax, jMaki, and JavaServer Faces. Before becoming atechnical writer, Chris worked for 10 years as a computer engineer,which helps her understand the technical audience to which she writes.Chris is also passionate about building customer communities and hasresponded to thousands of customer postings on the Sun forums and thevarious NetBeans users aliases.
Brian Leonard is a technology evangelist for Sun Microsystems. Brianhas over 18 years of software development experience evolving from theterminal, to the desktop, to the Web (and back to the desktop). In hiscurrent role, Brian works to create and foster the community aroundNetBeans and related technologies. NetBeans is a 100% open sourceintegrated development environment for Java, C/C++, Ruby, JavaScript,HTML, and a rapidly expanding list of other languages. Most of Brian’sexperience is with Java application servers, working on Java EE serversbefore there was a standard. Today, as a technology evangelist, Brianrelies heavily on his past experiences and has the enviable job ofgetting to discuss the ever–evolving technology landscape withdevelopers around the world.


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