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The Definitive Guide to Pylons

The Definitive Guide to Pylons

书名:The Definitive Guide to Pylons



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作者:James Gardner
出版日期:December 16, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590599349 ISBN-13: 978-1590599341

Product Description
Spurred by the enormous popularity of Ruby on Rails, web frameworkshave revolutionized the way developers of all programming languagestackle the often complex task of web application development. Some ofthe most exciting activity in this area can be seen in the Pythoncommunity, one of the wildly popular frameworks to enter the fray beingPylons (http://pylonshq.com/).Cofounder and lead developer James Gardner bringsyou a comprehensive introduction to Pylons, the web framework that usesthe best of Ruby, Python, and Perl and the emerging WSGI standard toprovide structure and flexibility. With expert guidance from theauthor, you’ll learn how to create your own Pylons–driven web siteusing SQLAlchemy and FormEncode and attain the mastery of advancedPylons features, such as internationalization and localization,packaging and deployment.
What you’ll learnInstall and configure Pylons, and create your first Pylons–driven web application.Take advantage of Pylons’ built–in support for advanced features such as session management, web services, and Ajax.Develop your web applications in the most efficient way possible through test–driven development, logging, testing.Wield the true power of Pylons through its extension capabilities,unique support for WSGI, and the ability to integrate with otherpopular frameworks such as Django.Who is this book for?Python developers seeking to take advantage of a web framework
About the Author
James Gardner is an Oxford University graduate in physics; cofounder ofthe Pylons web framework; and founder of 3aims Ltd, a knowledgeinteraction technology consultancy based in London. The majority of hisprofessional experience has been in the development and support ofR&D systems for three different National Health Serviceorganizations in the United Kingdom, and he also coded the popular“What Should I Read Next?” book recommendation service.
James has been writing computer programs since he was a small boywhen he first got his hands on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum and was veryproud to show his grandmother the flashing colored shapes he hadmanaged to get to appear on a black background on the TV. Theexcitement and satisfaction of being able to create somethingextraordinary from a series of carefully ordered characters in a fileand a little bit of logical thinking has never left him.
James is heavily involved in open source software, and in additionto his involvement in Pylons, he wrote the Python web modules AuthKitand FormBuild and has a keen interest in authentication and singlesign–on systems such as OpenID. He is an advocate of building webapplications with the Web Server Gateway Interface APIs that you’lllearn about in this book.
While not traveling to London or Oxford, James enjoys nothing morethan discussing ideas with challenging and like–minded individuals orsitting down with a cup of tea, a pile of blank paper, a pen, and anInternet connection to think about better ways to solve complexproblems using web technology.
In his spare time, James enjoys everything to do with the outdoorsfrom cycling to climbing and from astronomy to scuba diving. In fact,he recently went on a dive trip to the Farne Islands off the coast ofNorthumbria in the United Kingdom where he thoroughly enjoyed havinghis equipment nibbled by inquisitive seals. James is lucky enough tohave traveled widely and enjoys meeting new people and learning aboutthe different ways people see the world.
James’ company’s web site is at http://3aims.com, and he maintains apersonal blog documenting his experiments with Python and Linux,amongst other things, at http://jimmyg.org.


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