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Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language

Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language

书名:Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language



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作者:Mark Summerfield
出版日期:December 26, 2008
出版社:Addison Wesley
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0137129297 ISBN-13: 978-0137129294

Product Description
Python 3 is the best version of the languageyet: It is more powerful, convenient, consistent, and expressive thanever before. Now, leading Python programmer Mark Summerfielddemonstrates how to write code that takes full advantage of Python 3’sfeatures and idioms. The first book written from a completely “Python3” viewpoint, Programming in Python 3 bringstogether all the knowledge you need to write any program, use anystandard or third-party Python 3 library, and create new librarymodules of your own.

Summerfield draws on his many years ofPython experience to share deep insights into Python 3 development youwon’t find anywhere else. He begins by illuminating Python’s “beautifulheart”: the eight key elements of Python you need to write robust,high-performance programs. Building on these core elements, heintroduces new topics designed to strengthen your practicalexpertise–one concept and hands-on example at a time. This book’scoverage includes

Developing in Python using procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming paradigmsCreating custom packages and modulesWriting and reading binary, text, and XML files, including optional compression, random access, and text and XML parsingLeveraging advanced data types, collections, control structures, and functionsSpreading program workloads across multiple processes and threadsProgramming SQL databases and key-value DBM filesUtilizing Python’s regular expression mini-language and moduleBuilding usable, efficient, GUI-based applicationsAdvanced programming techniques, including generators, function andclass decorators, context managers, descriptors, abstract base classes,metaclasses, and more
Programming in Python 3servesas both tutorial and language reference, and it is accompanied byextensive downloadable example code–all of it tested with the finalversion of Python 3 on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
About the Author
Mark Summerfield, owner ofQtrac Ltd., is an independent trainer, consultant, technical editor,and writer specializing in Python, C++, Qt, and PyQt. His books includeRapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming (Addison-Wesley, 2008) and, cowritten with Jasmin Blanchette, C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (Addison-Wesley, 2006). As Trolltech’s documentation manager, Mark founded and edited Trolltech’s technical journal, Qt Quarterly.


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