作者:Deepal Jayasinghe
出版日期:May 26, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1847192866 ISBN-13: 978-1847192868
Axis2 is an enterprise-ready web service engine that is very userfriendly and provides web service interactions with a dynamic andflexible execution framework.
Apache Axis2 is a core engine for web services with twoimplementations: Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C. It is a completeredesign and rewrite of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack thatbuilds on the lessons learned from the Apache Axis implementation ofthe SOAP submission to W3C. Apache Axis2 not only supports SOAP 1.1 andSOAP 1.2, but also has integrated support for the widely popularREST-style of web services. The same business logic implementation canoffer both a WS-* style interface and a REST/POX style interfacesimultaneously.
Apache Axis2 is more efficient, more modular, more scalable, andmore XML-oriented than the older version. It is carefully designed tosupport the easy addition of plug-in modules that extend itsfunctionality for features such as security and reliability. ApacheAxis2 is built on Apache AXIOM, a new high performance, pull-based XMLobject model.
This book will take you through the basics of web services and Axis2 to the details of Axis2’s architecture.