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Professional WPF Programming: .NET Development with the Windows Presentation Fou

Professional WPF Programming: .NET Development with the Windows Presentation Fou

书名:Professional WPF Programming: .NET Development with the Windows Presentation Fou



文件大小:5.59 MB

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作者:Chris Andrade, Shawn Livermore, Mike Meyers, Scott Van Vliet
出版日期:May 7, 2007
出版社:Wrox Press
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0470041803 ISBN-13: 978-0470041802

Product Description
Professional WPF Programming
If you want to learn how to build killer user interfaces for Windowsand the web, then this book is for you. It arms you with the tools andcode you’ll need to effectively utilize the Windows PresentationFoundation (WPF). From creating appealing graphics and animatedstructures to enhancing performance and security, you’ll be programmingin no time.
First you’ll explore the WPF framework and learn how to developbasic applications with ASP.NET or Visual Basic(r). Next you’lldiscover how to build more sophisticated WPF interfaces usingMicrosoft(r) ExpressionBlend and then progress to more advancedprogramming techniques.
Throughout the book, you’ll find best practices for enterprisearchitectures using the WPF and its underlying technology. All thiswill help you quickly learn how to develop next-generation applicationson the .NET 2.0 platform using the WPF.
What you will learn from this book
How to write applications with identical UIs on both Windows and the webTips for collaborating design and code development with Microsoft(r) Expression BlendAll about the object models, built-in server controls, HTML markup, code-behind, and the coordinative structure of each fileHow to migrate Win32 applications to WPFTechniques for integrating special effects and custom controls into an applicationAdvanced development concepts, including building workflows and a WCF serviceWho this book is for
This book is for experienced .NET developers who want to begin creating WPF web and desktop applications.
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written byworking programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers,developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they addressthe issues technology professionals face every day. They provideexamples, practical solutions, and expert education in newtechnologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
From the Back Cover
Professional WPF Programming
If you want to learn how to build killer user interfaces for Windowsand the web, then this book is for you. It arms you with the tools andcode you’ll need to effectively utilize the Windows PresentationFoundation (WPF). From creating appealing graphics and animatedstructures to enhancing performance and security, you’ll be programmingin no time.
First you’ll explore the WPF framework and learn how to developbasic applications with ASP.NET or Visual Basic®. Next you’ll discoverhow to build more sophisticated WPF interfaces using Microsoft®ExpressionBlend and then progress to more advanced programmingtechniques.
Throughout the book, you’ll find best practices for enterprisearchitectures using the WPF and its underlying technology. All thiswill help you quickly learn how to develop next-generation applicationson the .NET 2.0 platform using the WPF.
What you will learn from this book
How to write applications with identical UIs on both Windows and the webTips for collaborating design and code development with Microsoft® Expression BlendAll about the object models, built-in server controls, HTML markup, code-behind, and the coordinative structure of each fileHow to migrate Win32 applications to WPFTechniques for integrating special effects and custom controls into an applicationAdvanced development concepts, including building workflows and a WCF serviceWho this book is for
This book is for experienced .NET developers who want to begin creating WPF web and desktop applications.
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written byworking programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers,developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they addressthe issues technology professionals face every day. They provideexamples, practical solutions, and expert education in newtechnologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.


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