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Application Development Using C# and .NET

Application Development Using C# and .NET

书名:Application Development Using C# and .NET



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作者:Michael Stiefel, Robert J. Oberg
出版日期:December 31, 2001
出版社:Prentice Hall
ISBN:ISBN-10: 013093383X ISBN-13: 978-0130933836

Product Description
This book gives experienced developers the practical insight they needto build enterprise applications for Microsoft’s .NET platform usingC#. Using a running case study and extensive code examples, the authorsilluminate essential .NET concepts such as interfaces, attributes,collections, threading, remoting, security, and versioning, andintroduce powerful new .NET technologies such as ADO.NET and ASP.NET.Michael Stiefel and Robert Oberg show how to create a simple,monolithic C# console application; enhance it with a Windows Formsinterface; isolate functionality inside components, add databaseaccess, secure the code, and deliver functionality through ASP.NET andWeb Services. Developers with no C# experience will appreciate thebook’s self-contained C# overview; those familiar with C# can proceeddirectly to the book’s in-depth .NET Framework coverage. ApplicationDevelopment Using C# and .NET is one of a breakthrough series offocused guides to .NET written by expert practitioners and instructors.All books in the Prentice Oberg.Net Series teach in a systematic,step-by-step manner, using rich examples and a shared case study. Theyintegrate perfectly: developers who want an even stronger understandingof the basics of C# can find it in the companion introductory title,Introduction to C# Using .NET.
From the Back Cover
Build industrial-strength .NET applications with C#!
Practical, useful information on the .NET Framework, the CommonLanguage Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, security,interoperability, and moreRunning case study: see how concepts work together when you build .NET applicationsExperienced C++, Java, and Visual Basic programmers: become effective with .NET!This book gives experienced developers all the practical insightthey need to build enterprise applications for Microsoft’s .NETplatform using C#. Using extensive code examples and a running casestudy, the authors illuminate the .NET concepts and technologies thatoffer the greatest power and value. They cover the entire process ofconstructing a .NET application: creating a monolithic C# consoleapplication; enhancing it with a Windows Forms interface; isolatingfunctionality inside components, adding database access and security;and finally, delivering functionality through ASP.NET and Web Services.
.NET Framework and Common Language Runtime fundamentals for experienced programmersKey .NET features: interfaces, attributes, collections, threading, remoting, assemblies, and moreHands-on coverage of ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services, and user interface programmingComponent deployment and versioningEnsuring interoperability with diverse and legacy systemsIncludes a self-contained C# overview for those new to the languagePart of The Integrated .NET series from Object Innovations.


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