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Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtualization

Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtualization

书名:Running Xen: A Hands-On Guide to the Art of Virtualization



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作者:Jeanna N. Matthews, Eli M. Dow, Todd Deshane, Wenjin Hu, Jeremy Bongio, Patrick F. Wilbur, Brendan Johnson
出版日期:April 16, 2008
出版社:Prentice Hall
ISBN:ISBN-10: 0132349663 ISBN-13: 978-0132349666

Product Description
“This accessible and immediately useful book expertly provides theXen community with everything it needs to know to download, build,deploy and manage Xen implementations.”
—Ian Pratt, Xen Project Leader VP Advanced Technology, Citrix Systems
The Real–World, 100% Practical Guide to Xen Virtualization in Production Environments
Using free, open source Xen virtualization software, you can savemoney, gain new flexibility, improve utilization, and simplifyeverything from disaster recovery to software testing. Running Xenbrings together all the knowledge you need to create and managehigh–performance Xen virtual machines in any environment. Drawing onthe unparalleled experience of a world–class Xen team, it coverseverything from installation to administration—sharing field-testedinsights, best practices, and case studies you can find nowhere else.
The authors begin with a primer on virtualization: its concepts,uses, and advantages. Next, they tour Xen’s capabilities, explore theXen LiveCD, introduce the Xen hypervisor, and walk you throughconfiguring your own hard–disk–based Xen installation. After you’rerunning, they guide you through each leading method for creating“guests” and migrating existing systems to run as Xen guests. Then theyoffer comprehensive coverage of managing and securing Xen guests,devices, networks, and distributed resources. Whether you’re anadministrator, data center manager, developer, system integrator, orISP, Running Xen will help you achieve your goals with Xen–reliably,efficiently, with outstanding performance, and at a surprisingly lowcost.
•Understanding the Xen hypervisor: what it does, and how it works
•Using pre-built system images, including compressed file systems
•Managing domains with the xm console
•Populating and storing guest images
•Planning, designing, and configuring networks in Xen
•Utilizing Xen security: special purpose VMs, virtual networksegments, remote access, firewalls, network monitors, sHype accesscontrol, Xen Security Modules (XSM), and more
•Managing guest resources: memory, CPU, and I/O
•Employing Xen in the enterprise: tools, products, and techniques
About the Author
Jeanna Matthews is an associate professor of Computer Science atClarkson University (Potsdam, New York) where she leads severalhands-on computing laboratories including the Clarkson Open SourceInstitute and Clarkson Internet Teaching Laboratory. Students in theselabs and in her classes have been winners in a number of prestigiouscomputing contests including the 2001, 2002, and 2004 IBM LinuxChallenge, the 2005 IBM North American Grid Scholar’s Challenge, the2005 Unisys Tuxmaster competition, and the 2006 VMware Ultimate VirtualAppliance Challenge. Her research interests include virtualization,operating systems, computer networks, and computer security. She isactively involved in the Association for Computing Machinery astreasurer of the Special Interest Group on Operating Systems, editor ofOperating Systems Review, and is a member of the Executive CommitteeACM’s U.S. Public Policy Committee, US-ACM. She is also the author of acomputer networking textbook, Computer Networking: Internet Protocolsin Action, that has been translated into several languages. Jeannareceived her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley in 1999.
Eli M. Dow is a software engineer in IBM’s Test and IntegrationCenter for Linux in Poughkeepsie, NY. He holds a B.S. degree inComputer Science and Psychology as well as an M.S. in Computer Sciencefrom Clarkson University. He is passionate about open source softwareand is an alumnus and founding member of the Clarkson Open SourceInstitute. His interests include virtualization, Linux systemsprogramming, the GNOME desktop, and human-computer interaction. He isthe author of numerous IBM developerWorks articles focused on Linux andopen source software. Additionally, he has coauthored two books on themainframe hypervisor z/VM, entitled Introduction to the New Mainframe:z/VM Basics and Linux for IBM System z9 and IBM zSeries. His firstpublished experience with Xen was coauthoring an early academic paperentitled “Xen and the Art of Repeated Research.” Recently he hasfocused on developing highly available, enterprise customer solutionsdeployed on virtualized Linux using the z/VM hypervisor.
Todd Deshane expects to obtain a Ph.D. in Engineering Science fromClarkson University in 2008. He also has a Master of Science inComputer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering fromClarkson. While at Clarkson University, he has had a variety ofresearch publications–many involving Xen. In 2005, a project that wasbased on Todd’s Master’s thesis–an open source collaborative, largedatabase explorer–won first place in the Unisys TuxMaster competition.Todd’s primary academic and research interests are in the area ofoperating system technologies, such as virtual machine monitors, highavailability, and file systems. His doctoral dissertation focuses onusing these technologies to provide desktop users with anattack-resistant experience, with automatic and autonomic recovery fromviruses, worms, and adverse system modifications. During his Ph.D.years, Todd has been a teaching assistant and an IBM Ph.D. Fellowshiprecipient. At IBM, Todd has worked on internship projects involving Xenand IBM technologies. Todd enjoys teaching, tutoring, and helpingpeople.
Wenjin Hu graduated from Clarkson University in 2007 with a Master’sdegree of Computer Science and is currently working on his Ph.D. HisMasters thesis was “A Study of the Performance Isolation Properties ofVirtualization Systems.” His research field is applying virtualizationtechniques to operating systems and security.
Jeremy Bongio is currently a Master’s student at ClarksonUniversity. He won second place in the Unisys Tuxmaster competition in2005 with a project called Xenophilia, an early effort to make Xen moreuser friendly. He is a current member and former student director ofthe Clarkson Open Source Institute, where he actively learns andexperiments with different kinds of virtualization.
Patrick F. Wilbur is currently pursuing graduate studies in ComputerScience at Clarkson University. His interests include operatingsystems, systems and application security, natural language processing,and home automation. In his spare time, Patrick enjoys composing music,experimenting with amateur radio, storm chasing, and working on variouselectronics, software, and carpentry projects around the house. He iscurrently a member of the Clarkson Open Source Institute, a volunteerat the Applied Computer Science Laboratories at Clarkson University, anemergency communications volunteer, and a member of the Association forComputing Machinery.
Brendan Johnson graduated from Clarkson University in 2002 with aBachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics.Brendan continued his education at Clarkson University and obtained aMaster’s of Science in Computer Science with a thesis in quantumcomputing. Brendan is currently a senior software architect at MobileArmor, a world leading “Data At Rest” encryption software company.


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