作者:Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth, Peter Golde
出版日期:October 29, 2003
出版社:Addison Wesley
C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, andtype-safe programming language that combines the high productivity ofrapid application development languages with the raw power of C andC++. Written by the language’s architect and design team members, The C# Programming Languageis the definitive technical reference for C#. Moving beyond the onlinedocumentation, the book provides the complete specification of thelanguage along with descriptions, reference materials, and code samplesfrom the C# design team.
The first part of the book opens with anintroduction to the language to bring readers quickly up to speed onthe concepts of C#. Next follows a detailed and complete technicalspecification of the C# 1.0 language, as delivered in Visual Studio.NET 2002 and 2003. Topics covered include Lexical Structure, Types,Variables, Conversions, Expressions, Statements, Namespaces,Exceptions, Attributes, and Unsafe Code.
The second part of the book provides an introductionto and technical specification of the four major new features of C#2.0: Generics, Anonymous Methods, Iterators, and Partial Types.
Reference tabs and an exhaustive print index allowreaders to easily navigate the text and quickly find the topics thatinterest them most. An enhanced online index allows readers to quicklyand easily search the entire text for specific topics.
With the recent acceptance of C# as a standard byboth the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ECMA,understanding the C# specification has become critical. The C# Programming Language is the definitive reference for programmers who want to acquire an in-depth knowledge of C#.