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C# in Depth

C# in Depth

书名:C# in Depth



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作者:Jon Skeet
副书名:What you need to master C# 2 and 3
出版日期:April 21, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1933988363 ISBN-13: 978-1933988368

Product Description
C# in Depth is a completely new book designed to propelexisting C# developers to a higher level of programming skill. Onesimple principle drives this book: explore a few things deeply ratherthan offer a shallow view of the whole C# landscape. If you often findyourself wanting just a little more at the end of a typical chapter,this is the book for you.Expert author Jon Skeet dives into the C#language, plumbing new C# 2 and 3 features and probing the core C#language concepts that drive them. This unique book puts the newfeatures into context of how C# has evolved without a lengthy rehearsalof the full C# language.C# in Depth briefly examines the history of C# and the.NET framework and reviews a few often-misunderstood C# 1 concepts thatare very important as the foundation for fully exploiting C# 2 and 3.Because the book addresses C# 1 with a light touch, existing C#developers don’t need to pick through the book in order to find newmaterial to enhance their skills.
This book focuses on the C# 2 and 3 versions of the language, butclearly explains where features are supported by changes in the runtime(CLR) or use new framework classes. Each feature gets a thoroughexplanation, along with a look on how you’d use it in real lifeapplications.
C# in Depth is both a vehicle for learning C# 2 and 3 and areference work. Although the coverage is in-depth, the text is alwaysaccessible: You’ll explore pitfalls that can trip you up, but you’llskip over gnarly details best left to the language specification. Theoverall effect is that readers become not just proficient in C# 2 and3, but comfortable that they truly understand the language.
About the Author
Jon Skeet has worked with C# since 2002, and has been a Microsoft C#MVP since October 2003. He has spent a great amount of time in the C#community answering questions in newsgroups as well as writing articleson the most misunderstood aspects of C# and .NET. After having readtens of thousands of questions over the years, Jon has developed a deepinsight into the areas that developers have trouble with, as well aswhat they’re trying to achieve. A keen reader of specifications, Jonaims to understand the language at the deepest level, which enables himto provide a detailed exposition of C#, including a few dark cornerswhich can trip up the unwary developer.


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