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Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript ap

Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript ap

书名:Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript ap



文件大小:3.08 MB

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作者:Stoyan Stefanov
出版日期:July 24, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1847194141 ISBN-13: 978-1847194145

Product Description
Once listed in the “nice to have” sections of job postings, these daysthe knowledge of JavaScript is a deciding factor when it comes tohiring web developers. And rightly so. Where in the past we used tohave the occasional few lines of JavaScript embedded in a web page, nowwe have advanced libraries and extensible architectures, powering the“fat-client”, AJAX-type rich internet applications.JavaScript is thelanguage of the browser, but it’s also heavily employed in many otherenvironments: server-side programming, desktop applications,application extensions and widgets. It’s a pretty good deal: you learnone language and then code all kinds of different applications. Whilethis book has one chapter specifically dedicated to the web browserenvironment including DOM, events, and AJAX tutorials, the rest isapplicable to all the other environments too.This book treats JavaScript as a serious object-oriented language,showing you how to build robust, maintainable, and powerful librariesand applications. Along the way, we cover many of the recentinnovations such as AJAX, JSON, and interesting design and codingpatterns. After reading this book, you’ll be prepared to ace yourJavaScript job interview and even impress with some bits that theinterviewer maybe didn’t know. You should read this book if you want tobe able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.
What you will learn from this book?
* Learn to think in JavaScript, the language of the web browser
* The basics of object-oriented programming, and how they apply to JavaScript
* Set up and use your training environment (Firebug)
* Master data types, operators, and flow control statements
* Understand functions: usage patterns, variable scope, and built-in functions
* Closures demystified
* Create and use objects
* Understand and use prototypes
* Reuse code with common patterns for inheritance
* Understand and work with the BOM (Browser Object Model)
* The DOM (Document Object Model) – accessing, modifying, adding, and deleting nodes
* Build responsive web pages with AJAX
* JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
* Listen and respond to browser events
* Apply design patterns to solve common problems
* Adopt coding patterns that unleash the unique power of the language
* Make your programs cleaner, faster, and compatible with other programs and libraries
* Achieve missing object-oriented features in JavaScript such as private properties and methods
Who is this book written for?
The book requires no prior knowledge of JavaScript and works fromthe ground up to give you a thorough grounding in this powerfullanguage. If you do already know some JavaScript, you will find plentyof eye-openers as you discover just what the language can do.
This book takes a do-it-yourself approach when it comes to writingcode, because the best way to really learn a programming language is bywriting code. You are encouraged to type code into Firebug’s console,see how it works and then tweak it and play around with it. There arepractice questions at the end of each chapter to help review what youhave learned.
About the Author
Stoyan Stefanov is a Yahoo! web developer, Zend Certified Engineer,book author, and contributor to the international PHP community.Stoyanis the engineering lead of Yahoo’s performance optimization tool‘YSlow’, as well as other open-source tools and ‘PEAR’ libraries.


  • Data Mining for Business Applications (PDF英文版)
  • Javascript+vbscript.CHM 中文版
  • Dojo: Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications JavaScript
  • Data Mining for Business Applications (PDF英文版)
  • Web.Design.with.JavaScript.and.the.Document.Object.Model.2005.pdf

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