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Rails for PHP Developers

Rails for PHP Developers

书名:Rails for PHP Developers



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作者:Derek DeVries, Mike Naberezny
出版日期:February 11, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1934356042 ISBN-13: 978-1934356043

Product Description
As a PHP developer, you have some great tools for developing webapplications. Ruby on Rails is another key tool to add to your webdevelopment toolbox. Rails is a high-level web development frameworkthat emphasizes high productivity and clean code. However, the Rubylanguage and Rails framework take a different approach from the waymany PHP developers write applications.Ruby lies at the foundation ofRails, and we’ll teach you the Ruby language from the beginning bybuilding on your existing foundation of PHP. We’ll explore Ruby throughparallel code examples that illustrate the differences between thelanguages, and help you understand the Ruby idioms and how they differfrom popular PHP code and style.You’ll then learn the Rails framework by iteratively building acomplete application, starting from the home page through to a finishedproduct. Along the way, you’ll build your skills as a Rails developerby learning the Rails fundamentals such as MVC structure, domainmodeling, and testing.
In addition to serving as a guide to learning both Ruby and Railsfrom a PHP developer’s perspective, this book includes two extensivereference chapters. They map the most common PHP tasks to theirequivalents in the Ruby and Rails world, giving you at-a-glanceinformation that you’ll refer to often.
About the Author
Derek DeVries has an education in fine arts and a strong background asa web application developer. As vice president of design forMaintainable Software, Derek leads design, branding, and userexperience for the company. He is also a Zend Certified PHP Engineerwith over five years experience leading PHP development teams at Xerox,Amici LLC, and several startup companies. Derek has worked on a numberof Ruby on Rails products in his current position and in his spare timedevelops SportSpyder.com, a Rails application for finding the best newsports articles on the web.
Mike Naberezny is the founder of Maintainable Software, a softwaredevelopment company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has over tenyears software engineering experience working with companies such asFlextronics and Instrumentation Engineering. Mike’s PHP experienceincludes holding a senior position at Zend Technologies, and he sits onthe Zend PHP Education Advisory Board. Mike heads engineering atMaintainable, where he has developed and deployed a number of Railsapplications. He is a regular speaker at software conferences andcontributes to several open source projects.


  • Rails Solutions: Ruby on Rails Made Easy
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  • Pro PHP: Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More (PDF 英文版)
  • XML与Perl、Python和PHP编程指南
  • Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development (PDF英文版)

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